शनिवार, ८ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) Who is soul mate? He or she is one with whom one can have mutually inspiring and mutually satisfying emotional and intellectual communication and companionship  throughout their lives. The people come and go from one's life, but soul mate remains for ever till death. 

(2) The having of soul mate in life is fortune of top level, which all cannot have. The meaning of soul mate is very deep. Your spouse and your children may continue as your life long associates, but there is no guarantee that they can be your soul mates meaning your true friends. 

(3) The soul mate or true friend is rarest of rare thing of human life whose presence in one's life cannot be valued in terms of money. In fact, the soul mate is most precious thing of human life. The soul is mind compound constituted by two basic elements viz. emotion and intellect and therefore soul mate relationship is mind to mind relationship having soul to soul union. One can get spiritual satisfaction of highest level by such relationship and such union.

(4) You can get body satisfaction by wearing of costly clothes, eating of food cooked by five star hotels, possessing of royal shelter on the strength of your money power. You can purchase sexual pleasure from  commercial sex market  with the help of your money power. But you cannot have soul mate in your life on the strength of such money power howsoever high. In other words, you can be materially rich with such money power, but you may be spiritually poor in spite of possessing such money power.

(5) I have 5000 friends and around 3000 followers of my face book account and around 400 likers of my face book page TRUTH in LAW. Are these figures to be boasted about? How many of all these friends, followers and page likers are my soul mates meaning true friends? I am not a handsome person to be liked at. But I get confused when I get face book liking for my single photograph twenty times more than liking for my thoughts published by me almost every day. I am sure that if I put photograph of my wife along with me on face book, photograph liking will rise forty times more than thought liking. What is intellectual contribution of my wife in social media? Nothing! But still her photograph will get liking because she is beautiful although I am not handsome. What is this psychology of people? I observe that there are only about 10 to 50 face book friends who are regular readers of my intellectual thoughts and I consider them as my partial soul mates being intellectual companions, if not emotional companions.

(6) One day my one business client dared to say to me on my face that my intellectual writing in social media is addiction which is bad. My straight answer to him was that his addiction to materialism and capitalism is worst than my so called dangerous intellectual addiction. How could I dare to answer like that to a very rich businessman? It is simply because I knew that I was providing him my professional service worth lakhs of rupees for which he was paying my fee just in few thousands. He would have been great loser by removing me as his retainer advocate. Hence, I was not surprised when  he continued me as his retainer advocate in spite of my aforesaid strong reply to him because he was a smart businessman.

(7) I have developed this courage simply by one reason viz. I have reduced all my material demands and acquired such a knowledge that it is hundred times more than what is needed for satisfying my few material demands. Thus I am the king of my own with my unique thinking and unique lifestyle. I was and I am determined to live like this and had put two options before my wife viz. either to adjust with my life style with minimum material demands, if not with my thinking or to leave me as her husband since I was ready to divorce on this point. But she choose the first option of adjustment and she is with me for last 30 years along with our one and only one brilliant daughter. Yes, brilliant because my daughter choose management as her career than advocacy and doing well there. But I am not yet able to conclude whether my wife and my daughter are my soul mates. This is because adjustment is different from wholehearted acceptance. In conclusion, I can only say that human life is meaningless without soul mate. -Adv.B.S.More

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