मंगळवार, ११ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) Once we realize that giant universe is material, we must assume that almighty spirit of Nature or God believed to be creator and controller of giant material universe is also material. 

(2) As we can see human body in its physical form along with physical mass of human brain forming part of such human body but we cannot see human mind lying within such human brain, in the same way we can see or sense giant universe but we cannot see or sense almighty mind called spirit of Nature or God lying within such universe. 

(3) The mind of Nature or God is referred to as spirit because of its unlimited scope covering whole universe and its almighty strength having capacity of controlling whole universe. If we believe this, then definitely there is a vast difference between human mind and Nature or God's spirit. But this difference has to be understood in sense of unlimited scope and almighty strength of Nature or God's spirit as aforesaid and not otherwise with any imagination that human mind is material and Nature or God's spirit is spiritual or divine and not material. How can divine spirit create and control material universe? It is a simple logic.

(4) But we must salute the spirit of Nature or God with due respect because of its wonderful creation of universe and its unlimited scope and almighty strength. However, salutation is different from imitation. The human mind is very low in strength and very limited in scope compared to great spirit of Nature or God. But still human mind is habitual in jumping high with futile attempt of covering and controlling whole universe like that of almighty spirit of Nature or God.

(5) The aforesaid bad habit of human mind to cover and catch whole world within its limited scope and small capacity makes such mind nomadic. This bad habit of wandering makes such mind wander from one point to another point within giant universe with its constant unstable state thereby creating psychological problem of lack of attention to and concentration in any one point chosen to work with. This leads to imperfect work or even to work failure. 

(6) It is pertinent to note that material attention and material concentration of Nature or God's almighty spirit in relation to giant universe as a whole is different from material attention and material concentration of human mind in relation to limited material work and therefore human mind must learn to live within its limit in the interest of its perfect attention to and concentration in selected material work for its limited but perfect material success in such chosen material work. -Adv.Baliram More

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