शनिवार, ८ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) My sense of facts and laws is different. I take automatically happening or involuntarily moving things as doubtless natural things or real things and thoughtfully happening or voluntarily moving things as doubtful natural things or artificial things.

(2) In my view, the development of human civilization is nothing but development of artificial things at the instance of human voluntarism. The big human brain thinks big and engages in development of artificial things in environment. This big human brain tries to build structure of artificial things upon foundation of real things.
The big human brain however cannot succeed in changing basic foundation of real things.

(3) The big human brain has a reasoning power which keeps such brain busy in thinking process by its logical steps of observation, assumption, experimentation, conclusion and voluntary action. It is this big human brain which only developes structure of artificial facts and artificial laws for self. All these artificial facts and laws developed by different human brains collectively by collective social conscience become techno-refined and socio-reformed artificial facts and artificial laws of human society. The laws made by our legislature are nothing but these artificial laws only based on human reasoning power.

(4) However, the artificial laws made by human big brains and their social legislature cannot even touch real laws of Nature, forget about changing such real laws. The artificial facts created by human big brains and artificial laws made by human big brains have their own limit fixed by real facts and real laws of Nature, which are unalterable charter or basic foundation of Nature.

(5) What is real natural is doubtless natural and what is artificial natural is doubtful natural. Both are natural because reasoning power of human big brain is natural. But since said reasoning power does not work uniformly with all human brains, the human world lives in artificial confusion as to what is right and what is wrong in true natural sense. This is the reason why human world is caught in conflict between economic capitalism and economic communism, political democracy and political dictatorship, social upper casteism and social lower casteism etc. etc. 

(6) Just experiment with your big brain by trying to stop its thinking process based on its reasoning power, just forget artificial world created by human civilization for few seconds and enjoy the truly natural peace during such short resting time while you are fully awake and fully conscious. Live natural at least for some moments of life. -Adv.B.S.More

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