रविवार, ३० एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) Not just roots, but also branches of giant social tree of human society are spread over giant natural environment for sucking maximum air, water and land resources available within such environment and for extracting maximum fruits from said basic resources mainly for preservation of human species forming part of this giant social tree. 

(2) While engineers and doctors help in said sucking and extraction, advocates calling themselves as social engineers remain busy in equitable distribution of fruits extracted by engineers and doctors from said environment between all human species. But since all these engineers, doctors and advocates form themselves as part of social tree, they all become interested parties creating doubt as to whether they really care for other non living and living things forming part of natural environment. 

(3) Let Nature keep this giant social tree within limit and control of her law by teaching her law well to all these engineers, doctors and advocates and all human species forming part of said social tree. -Adv.Baliram More

शनिवार, २९ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The Bahubali was king of kings with his lion's strength, but ultimately he renounced his kingship and attained complete freedom from cycle of birth and death called moksha as per Jain text. Even Samrat Ashoka, the powerful king realized the folly of violence and became follower of Buddhism.

(2) There was a Hindi movie Ashoka on historical character of king Ashoka and now movie Bahubali-2 after Bahubali-1 on historical character of king Bahubali.

(3) The historical characters carry lot of market value in market of attraction. They help film industry to earn lot of money out of films picturised on such characters. Bahubali-1 and Bahubali-2 are examples of this modern truth. Bahu means arm and bal means strength and thus bahubal means arm strength. 

(4) We see lot of arm strength tactics or muscle power use every day in our political environment. But those who want to enjoy thrill of this reality in film fantasy can go and watch film Bahubali-2 in cinema halls. I have not yet seen Bahubali-1 movie. But I may see both movies Bahubali-1 and Bahubali-2 when their market will come down in course of time making them cheap for my poor pocket and cool time. *Adv.Baliram More*



(1) The artists such as film stars, singers etc. and sportsmen are respected, loved and remembered by people more than even top heads of nation such as Presidents, Prime Ministers of countries, forget about other important personalities such as scientists, doctors, engineers, advocates, businessmen, politicians, brave soldiers etc. and there is nothing special about this tendency of people. 

(2) The reason for this tendency may be that people get fed up with hard affairs of human life dealt with by scientists, technocrats, soldiers etc. with their special knowledge, special skill and special courage and it is mainly artists and sportsmen who are able to entertain human minds giving them at least some emotional relief from hard realities of human life.

(3) The famous artists and sportsmen are therefore loved with respect and remembered for years together even after their deaths. Nothing surprising if famous cricketeer Sachin Tendulkar is worshipped as cricket God by people and he will be loved and remembered for years together. This love for artists and sportsmen is immortal. *Adv.Baliram More*


*Time is human brain concept. Nature has no time to look at human experiments*. -Adv.Baliram More



(1) It can be observed that soft living mind is fastened to hard living body including hard living brain of living animal.

(2) The inseparable bond or attachment between soft mind and hard body of living animal gives reminder that emotions should not be allowed to fly high in sky. They should be pulled down to reality by gravitational force of hard matter.

(3) Let us put heavy weight on light emotions. In other words, let us fasten soft emotion to hard logic. -Adv.B.S.More

गुरुवार, २७ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) Man is a social animal and social media is one of the means to remain social.

(2) It is like one family emotional attachment. The family of human beings is only a social unit created by human beings out of their basic emotion of being social. -Adv.B.S.More



(1) If the national flag is symbolic representation of Nation, the Nation is symbolic representation of giant family of citizens of such Nation along with earth territory occupied by such citizens. The constitutional law of Nation can be taken as symbolic representation of mind of citizens of such giant family called Nation.

(2) Can God or Nature be taken as symbolic representation of giant universe appearing in its diverse forms and properties? The main difference between Nation and God is that while the Nation is an artificial creation of human citizens for their own convenience, the God cannot be taken as such artificial creation of universe or humans forming part of such universe. In fact, it can only be believed with logical assumption that universe is real creation of real God or Nature. 

(3) But there is one similarity between Nation and God namely that as the Nation can be sensed by human mind only emotionally viz. emotion of being with one family attachment and not physically, God or Nature can also be sensed by human mind only emotionally viz. emotion of being with one almighty power and not physically. -Adv.Baliram More

बुधवार, २६ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The human psychology is nothing but emotional-cum-intellectual state of human mind ready to give emotional-cum-intellectual response to diverse factors of environment.

(2) The human response to truth of Nature as found by human mind within environment is output of decision making process of human mind.

(3) There are basically two truths of Nature as exposed by science viz. (a) fixed or unalterable truth such as fixed carnivorous psychology of wild animals and (b) loose or alterable truth such as loosely mixed criminal-cum-civil psychology of human beings passing through transition.

(4) The human mind can take firm/fixed decision in relation or response to fixed/unalterable truth of Nature and unsteady/shaky decision in relation or response to loose/alterable truth of Nature.

(5) The truth of Nature as exposed by science may not be completely known to human mind. The human mind may continue to live in ignorance of at least some part of such truth even after its exposure by science. Such ignorance even if partial can keep human mind in confused state. Such confused mind suffers from partial mental disability, if not total mental disability, in taking correct decision and giving correct response to diverse environmental factors or truth of Nature as exposed by science.

(6) It is a fact that science is a journey towards truth of Nature. It is also a fact that science has not exposed complete truth of Nature. Certain truths of Nature are at experimental stage of science. The human response to such ignorance of science can be imaginary based on beliefs. For example, God can only be believed by human mind till science does not get any proof of existence or non existence of God. -Adv.Baliram More



(1) The disparity between strength and weakness is cause of oppressive and exploitative movement of strength towards weakness. This kind of oppression and exploitation is injustice. Is there any strong law of Nature to stop this injustice? Should intelligent human mind neglect such injustice just by labelling it as curse of Nature? If such injustice is accepted by mankind as curse of Nature, then such acceptance shall give free licence to terrorists for commiting violence against civil minded human beings. 

(2) Any philosophy based on any human reason or logic supporting any kind of terrorism and violence under any banner or label contains nothing but poisoned mindset having nuisance value. Such mindset becomes a cause of chain reaction of violent terrorism and counter violent terrorism. Any such philosophy based on such poisoned mindset carrying such nuisance value is nothing but a reflection of carnivorous or hard criminal mindset of wild animals and contains a danger of pulling mankind backward and at primitive stage of human civilization. It is this backward mindset which is responsible for some human beings calling themselves as lions or tigers of modern time. But such aggressive people should see around in environment to watch as to how wild animals are slowly getting extinct by evolutionary force of Nature. It seems that the Nature herself is slowly ending her orthodox life policy of survival of fittest as invented by Darwin.

(3) It is true that the government of modern civil society needs support of internal police force and external military force for protection of its peaceful civil law from wildly aggressive criminal mindset of some humans and this is a sad and tragic part of modern human civilization.

(4) In civil society, there should not be any place for any greedy economics and/or any violent politics. The necessity of having criminal law along with civil law in human society only proves that there are miles to go before the mankind becomes truly civilized. The civil society can be called as truly civil only if its mindset is fully convinced to move with two basic directive points of law viz. (1) cooperative managerial economics and (2) mismanagement regulatory politics. Let us wait for this civil law to come for resting mankind in peace. -Adv.Baliram More

मंगळवार, २५ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) The birth of life is an opportunity to live. But this opportunity is competitive and challenging. The challenge within life opportunity contains two paradoxical elements viz. gain of success in life  opportunity and risk of failure in life opportunity.

(2) The gain may be small gain in the form of poor life survival or big gain in the form of rich or dignified life survival. On the other hand, the risk may also be small risk in the form of some monetary loss or big risk called fatal risk in the form of danger to life. 

(3) The challenging life  opportunity cannot be taken without challenging movement or action. Every such movement or action involves decision making process. There is no life action without decision for such action. Such decision is the result of one's strength and weakness analysis, which includes logical calculation of risk of failure involved in such  decision and action. 

(4) This can also be called as planning process. It is likely that planning and risk calculation may fail and person taking decision for action may face even premature death. This happened in case of India's bold Prime Minister and iron lady Smt. Indira Gandhi. She took calculated risk of continuing with Sikh security guards at her residence even after her very sensitive but bold decision of Operation Blue Star and she was killed by the same Sikh security guards whom she believed as her protectors. But one cannot escape from such risks and one has to take decisions of life with actions in life in the midst of such risks of failures in judgements or calculations. -Adv.B.S.More

सोमवार, २४ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) If human richness is the product of intelligent management of natural resources, it cannot be forgotten that natural resources include human resources too. 

(2) The horrible disparity between rich and poor is nothing but a symbol of mismanagement including selfish exploitation of human resources by so called rich intelligent people.

(3) This mismanagement itself is the cause of social unrest and crimes within human society. But violence under any revolutionary movement can never be answer to this mismanagement. Only strong government with its strict rule of law against resource mismanagers has to be the solution to this problem. *Adv.Baliram More*

रविवार, २३ एप्रिल, २०१७



1.     The diverse living and non-living matters and their diverse affairs including their diverse motions are governed by law of Nature. The freedom in law enjoyed by such diverse matters is a subject matter of legal analysis.

2.     Actually, the law of Nature is divided into two parts viz. (a) compulsive part of law and (b) optional part of law.

3.     The compulsive part of law does not contain any freedom to any matter for making any alteration in this part of law. It is an unalterable charter of Nature to be compulsorily followed by diverse matters as absolute rule of Nature.  It is a basic foundational-cum-basic structural law of Nature. This unalterable part of law is an exact law of Nature. For example, temporary and mortal status of life of living things is an unalterable charter of Nature and hence an exact law of Nature.

4.     The optional part of law contains some freedom to matters for making some alterations in this part of law. This freedom in law for alteration in law is granted by Nature mainly to living things and more particularly to human living things. But this freedom is optional. The human species may follow orthodox life style like other animals without opting for freedom to make alteration in said life style or may choose to go for modern life style by opting for freedom to make alteration in orthodox life style. This option calls for optional restrictions too. For example, humans may choose to regulate their free sexuality by accepting optional matrimonial bond governed by matrimonial law or may choose to remain unmarried and opt for live in relationship or companionship having more sexual freedom than marriage. This alterable part of law of Nature is an inexact or semi-exact law of Nature. This law can also be called as super structural law of Nature containing some freedom to make some alterations in super structural affairs of diverse matters.

5.     Actually, the term “convenience” is very peculiar in relation to super structural law of Nature or alterable part of law of Nature. The convenience contained within this alterable law is optional to living matters, particularly to end/top ecological human species. The humans can introduce their own restrictions against their permissive natural conduct within the ambit of super structural law for their own convenience taking advantage of alterable nature of super structural law of Nature. For example, optional introduction of restriction against free sexuality by adopting matrimonial bond regulated by semi-exact matrimonial law.

6.     It is pertinent to note that if human life itself is temporary in terms of basic foundational-cum-basic structural law of Nature, how can human convenience introduced by human beings in human life by taking optional advantage of super structural law of Nature be permanent? All family relationships such as parents and children relationship etc. introduced by optional matrimonial law are therefore only temporary relationships. Even body and mind of human being does not belong to human being. It ultimately belongs to Nature. It is therefore wrong on the part of any human being to be hyper or over sensitive in relation to “temporary self” of human life including human convenience.  –Adv. Baliram More

शनिवार, २२ एप्रिल, २०१७



(१) विज्ञानवादी निसर्गधर्म, मानवतावादी समाजधर्म, राष्ट्रवादी राष्ट्रधर्म आणि अध्यात्मवादी देवधर्म या सर्व धर्मांविषयी सर्वधर्मसमभाव कसा ठेवायचा? 

(२) कारण या सर्व धर्मांचा एकाच बौध्दिक पातळीवर राहून विचार करता येत नाही. प्रत्येक धर्माच्या बौद्धिक संकल्पना वेगळ्या आहेत व भावनिक निष्ठा किंवा श्रध्दाही वेगळ्या आहेत. 

(३) शिवाय मानवी मेंदूचे विचार केवळ बौद्धिक किंवा तार्किक असू शकत नाहीत. त्यांना भावनेची जोड ही असतेच. अर्थात कोणत्याही सत्य किंवा काल्पनिक गोष्टींची कारणमीमांसा भावनेचा त्याग करून केवळ बुद्धिने किंवा तर्कानेच केली पाहिजे असा अट्टाहास करणे म्हणजे बौद्धिक विचार विरूद्ध भावनिक विचार हा वैचारिक वादाचा विषय निर्माण करण्यासारखेच आहे. *एड.बळीराम मोरे*



(1) The science is human understanding or knowledge about facts and laws of Nature. The universe is fact of Nature and this fact is governed by law of Nature. But law governing fact of universe itself is fact upon fact. At the most, it can be said that law is governing fact superior to governed fact.

(2) It is pertinent to note that special or expert knowledge about science put in practice in special sense by experts having such special or expert knowledge is recognized as technology within human society and general or common knowledge about science put in practice in general or common sense by common people having such general or common knowledge is recognized as sociology within human society.

(3) The special knowledge of science goes on improving and accordingly technology goes on progressing as the human civilization moves forward from previous generation to next generation. In the same way, the general knowledge of science also goes on improving and accordingly sociology also goes on progressing as the human civilization moves forward from previous generation to next generation.

(4) The law is a code of conduct declared by people through their State as law of Nature meant for governing human conduct. This law is a complex mixture of special or expert knowledge about science practised as technology and general or common knowledge about science practised as sociology. 

(5) The religion is actually a part of sociology based on general or common knowledge about science. It is pertinent to note that the law governing human conduct is changing from time to time and generation to generation. This is because of changes in human understanding about science of Nature. 

(6) The media reports bundle of facts and laws. But since these facts and laws within human understanding go on changing like non stop movie from time to time and generation to generation, the collection or storage of current knowledge about such facts and laws as reported by media becomes an useless exercise after some time because such stored or documented knowledge turns into history after some time having only historical value and not current value. Let us watch this movie of life in its continuous motion only as movie while acting in such movie with some roles and not beyond that. -Adv.B.S.More

*मित्रत्व की शत्रुत्व*?

*मित्रत्व की शत्रुत्व*?

सामर्थ्यशाली होऊन जगात श्रेष्ठत्व गाजविण्याच्या महत्वाकांक्षेने पछाडलेली माणसे त्या ध्येयपूर्तीसाठी एकमेकांशी स्पर्धा करीत असताना जगात सहकार्य, प्रेम व विश्वास यावर   आधारित असलेले मित्रत्व निर्माण करणार की असहकार, द्वेष व अविश्वास यावर  आधारित असलेले शत्रुत्व निर्माण  करणार? *एड.बळीराम मोरे*



*Give learned person two wings of economic/money power and political/weapon power and he will show to the world effect of his knowledge power*. -Adv.Baliram More



(1) The independent class of moral teachers comes into existence when morality is separated and made independent from law. It is like separating of emotion from logic.

(2) It is in the same way that independent class of religious masters comes into existence when spiritualism, religion and God are separated and made independent from materialism, science and Nature. 

(3) In fact, human mind gets confused because of "semi-freedom, semi-restriction" regulatory policy followed by Nature in relation to end/top ecological human species. Such confusion takes place because of fact that neither freedom from Nature is absolute nor restriction from Nature is absolute. 

(4) Such confusion then leads to all search of human brain for finding and settling at middle equilibrium point of joy and peace. There is law involved in human movement for finding and settling at point of joy and peace together. But what is law of motion after all for human beings? The human mind is full of instinctive emotion and therefore law for humans is in fact an exercise of taking such emotion logically, which itself means  professionally.  *Adv.Baliram More*

रविवार, १६ एप्रिल, २०१७



1.     If rotation around self and revolution around sun is the object/target of earth, then there is objective law of rotation and revolution for earth prescribed by Nature, which earth has to follow without any freedom of choice, but with absolute compulsion. This is absolute rule of law prescribed by Nature for earth. This objective law is exact law containing exact object/target of law and both such object and law have to be exactly followed by the subjects of law for whom such exact law is prescribed by supreme authority of law viz. Nature along with its exact object. It is only the law which governs object/target of law and not the other way round. There is Nature as supreme authority of law behind both object/target of law and law governing such object/target.

2.     The Nature seems to have slowly turned down her own policy of exactness by slowly shifting to semi-exactness and then from semi-exactness to inexactness during the course of her evolution at least on earth planet. We can observe exactness of law and object in relation to non-living things, semi-exactness of law and object in relation to non-human living things and inexactness of law and object in relation to human living things.

3.     The law governing Nature’s object/target of human life is a complex law being mixture of some compulsions and some options coming from Nature to human species. The natural facility of some options in human life implies some freedom of choice given by Nature to human species. For example, the human person has freedom of choice to sex and procreate children by free companionship or through bonded marriage. This is natural freedom and therefore the State cannot compel its human citizens to marry by prescribing marriage as precondition of its citizenship. The State can only prescribe reasonable restrictions against citizen’s options of remaining unmarried or remaining married in the interest of public peace.

4.     It is pertinent to note that the law governing object/target of human life is a complex law with three evolutionary combinations viz. exactness of non-living things, semi-exactness of non-human living things and inexactness of human living things. The human beings therefore apply three basic laws in their life viz. exact laws of physics and chemistry as well as bio-physics and bio-chemistry as applicable to inorganic and organic non-living things respectively, semi-exact criminal law as applicable to non-human living things as well as to human living things carrying some criminal properties of criminal minded non-human living things and inexact civil law as applicable to civilized human living things. The law of marriage providing option of marriage to human persons is inexact law and therefore the success of marriage in lives of married persons is also an inexact affair.

5.     The fact remains that the attention of human mind to inexact object/target of inexact law can never be perfect and the concentration of human mind in application of such inexact law can also be never perfect. It is all zigzag matter. The wisdom of human mind therefore lies in leaving the habit of being perfect in operation of inexact laws of Nature by leaving some operational part of such inexact laws to Nature herself. This is better option with freedom of choice provided to human mind by Nature herself. –Adv.Baliram More

शनिवार, १५ एप्रिल, २०१७


PRACTICE (सराव) OF APPLYING EXACT (अचूक) LAW TO SPECIFIC OBJECT (नेम)/TARGET (लक्ष्य) -(अचूक नेमबाजीचा सराव) :-

(1) First step is that of gaining knowledge about exact law as applicable to specific object/target chosen from bundle of facts and circumstances with its storage in strong memory. Law includes all means and weapons of law forming part of power of law.

(2) Second step is that of keeping trust and confidence in capacity of exact law in achieving chosen object/target.

(3) Third step is that of getting ready with keen  attention to chosen object/target and deep concentration in exact law.

(4) Fourth step is that of actual engagement in work or motion of law towards chosen object/ target involving keen attention to such object/ target with deep concentration in application of exact law. -Adv.Baliram More

शुक्रवार, १४ एप्रिल, २०१७

*जय श्रीकृष्ण*!

*जय श्रीकृष्ण*!

(१) श्रीकृष्णाचे सैन्य की प्रत्यक्ष श्रीकृष्ण यापैकी कशाची निवड करायची या कठीण प्रश्नाचे उत्तर दुर्योधन व अर्जुन या दोघांनी त्यांच्या बुद्धी नुसार शोधले.

(२) त्याच प्रमाणे भौतिक सत्ता संपत्ती की या सत्ता संपत्ती वर आवाज न करता राज्य करणारे  ईश्वरीय ज्ञानशक्ती केंद्र यापैकी कशाची निवड करायची या कठीण प्रश्नाचे उत्तर मी माझ्या बुद्धी प्रमाणे ईश्वरीय ज्ञानशक्ती केंद्र हेच शोधले व त्याचीच निवड करून माझ्या त्या निर्णयाशी मी कायम ठाम राहिलो.

(३) माझ्या या ठाम निर्णयामुळे मी भौतिक सत्ता संपत्तीच्या बाबतीत नेहमीच नुकसानीत राहिलो आहे. पण त्याची मला बिलकूल खंत नाही. कारण ईश्वरीय ज्ञानशक्ती केंद्राच्या अखंड, अविरत भक्तीतून मला जो आनंद व मनःशांती मिळाली आहे त्यांचे वर्णन शब्दांत करणे कठीण आहे. 

(४) लोकांना आश्चर्यकारक किंवा कदाचित मूर्ख वाटणाऱ्या माझ्या या निवडीमुळे व भक्तीमुळे माझ्या कुटुंबात खूप कलह निर्माण झाले, कुटुंब सदस्यांना खूप यातना, आर्थिक विवंचना भोगाव्या लागल्या हे मला मान्य आहे. पण माझी भक्ती सांभाळून त्यांच्या विषयीची किमान भौतिक कर्तव्ये मी पार पाडली आहेत. त्यात जर ते सदस्य समाधानी न राहता दुःखीच राहणार असतील तर त्याला मी काही करू शकत नाही. ही सर्व नातीगोती तात्पुरती आहेत आणि त्यामुळे त्यांना किती महत्त्व द्यायचे हे ज्ञान माझ्या भक्ती मार्गावर पुढे पुढे जात असताना मला मिळाले आहे. 

(५) याचा अर्थ असा नव्हे की, मी माझ्या भौतिक  कर्मांचा संपूर्ण त्याग करून संन्यास घेतला आहे. पण भौतिक परिस्थितीच्या चक्रात राहून भौतिक क्रिया कर्मे पार पाडीत असताना भौतिक सत्ता संपत्तीपेक्षा संपूर्ण सृष्टीचे नियंत्रण करणाऱ्या वैज्ञानिक  व आध्यात्मिक शक्तीकेंद्राशीच अर्थात प्रत्यक्ष श्रीकृष्णाशीच अर्जुनाप्रमाणे जवळीक साधणे हेच मला अधिक प्रिय आहे. जय श्रीकृष्ण! *बळीराम*

*मै तो कुछ भी नही*!

*मै तो कुछ भी नही*!

(१) मेरी रजोगुणी अहंकारी प्रवृत्ती भगवान की महानता के सामने हमेशा झुकी रहे.

(२) मेरी तमोगुणी तामसी प्रवृत्ती भगवान की रौद्रता के सामने हमेशा डरी रहे.

(३) मेरी मूल सत्वगुणी प्रवृत्ती हमेशा जागृत रहे और सारे सृष्टी मे प्यार बढाती रहे.

(४) प्यार को कोई सत्वगुणी मूर्खता ना बनाये और कोई रजोगुणी या तमोगुणी मूर्खता ना समझे. प्यार संजीवनी है. प्यार ही भगवान का मूलाधार है और वही जीवन का प्रमुख आधार है.

(५) सारे सृष्टी, विश्व का निर्माता और नियंता निसर्ग यही मेरा भगवान है. वही मेरे लिये सब कुछ है. वह मुझमे समा जाये और मै उसमे समा जाऊँ, यही मेरी अभिलाषा है. मै तो कुछ भी नही! *बलीराम*

*मेरी समझ मे कानून*!

*मेरी समझ मे कानून*!

अहंकारी रजोगुण को काबू मे रखनेवाला कानून मेरी समझ मे है  दिवाणी कानून, तामसी तमोगुण को नष्ट करनेवाला कानून मेरी समझ मे है फौजदारी कानून और सत्वगुण को बढावा देके उसे सारे सृष्टी मे फैलानेवाला है सिर्फ प्यार जिसे किसी कानून की जरूरत नही होती. यह है मेरी समझ मे कानून! *बलीराम*



Your driving may be fine, but no guarantee about others. Human brains are not uniform in education, understanding, tolerance and so many other things touching human life. So be alert first and kind latter in human relationship! *Adv.Baliram More*



It is alright if you highlight your reaction in repentance, but it is foolishness if you erase basic action which led to your reaction because punishment for your reaction will be severe in ignorance of such basic action. Law of controlling motion of action and reaction is basic law of world, but this basic law is very difficult to understand at first instance and very difficult to follow at second instance. *Adv.Baliram More*



I have changed myself to follow path of non-violence shown by Lord Buddha and Lord Christ, but my change is only partial because I cannot ignore path of necessary violence shown by Lord Rama and Lord Krishna. For me, Lord Buddha and Lord Christ represent reformative theory of law and Lord Rama and Lord Krishna represent deterrent theory of law and both theories have their own importance in different facts and circumstances. Being kind is good, but being not alert is not good. *Adv.Baliram More*



(1) Your attitude towards people must always be positive and your response towards people must also be always  positive even if people irritate you with their selfish attitude and selfish action. 

(2) You should not get angry with people even if you feel injured by wrong action committed by them against you. You must show high degree of tolerance at nuisance caused by people against you. No, no! You are wrong in calling such nuisance as nuisance. You feel it as nuisance because your mind is negative. You must always remain positive in all facts and circumstances, good or bad, for getting positive results. You must be positively result oriented.

(3) Your response to action thrown at you by other is mainly examined by people in judging you and not action which stimulated or provoked you to give response. The offence of first offender is likely to be ignored by people if your self defensive response is disproportionate to said offence. 

(4) The life is not so easy to live with selfish and hypocritical people. No, no! This comment is again a sign of negative mind. 

(5) In this background, the wisdom lies in choosing between two opposite advices of two Lords viz. Lord Krishna's advice of tit for tat even if it is of violent nature as given to Arjuna and Lord Buddha's advice of being always non-violent. But before choosing between any one advice, just analyse the situation in which you are placed because Lord Krishna's advice for self defensive violence is based on situation of Lord Krishna and Arjuna having not sacrificed kingship and not renounced material world and Lord Buddha's advice for non-violence always is based on situation of Lord Buddha having sacrificed his kingship and also having  renounced material world as sanyasi. *Adv.Baliram More*

*निसर्गाशी मैत्री, देवाशी मैत्री*!

*निसर्गाशी मैत्री, देवाशी मैत्री*!

(१) समाजाने मला तसे भरपूर दिले. नाही असे नाही. मला शिक्षणाची संधी दिली. थोडा का असेना पण जगण्यासाठी आवश्यक तेवढा आर्थिक आधार दिला. साधारण का असेना पण मानसन्मान दिला. एकदम फेकून दिले नाही. पण मी पण शिक्षणाच्या संधीचे सोने केले. स्वकष्टाने भरभरून ज्ञान मिळविले आणि त्या ज्ञानाच्या जोरावर समाजाच्या उपकाराची भरपूर परतफेड केली. आता समाजाला ती परतफेड दिसत नसेल तर त्याला मी तरी काय करणार?

(२) पण आता स्वार्थी माणसांबरोबर स्वतःचे पांडित्य गाजवित स्वार्थी व्यवहारांचा खेळ खेळण्याचा खूप कंटाळा आला. मनुष्य किती ढोंगी आणि किती स्वार्थी असू शकतो याचे सखोल ज्ञान वकिली व्यवसायातून मिळाले. त्यामुळे या महान व्यवसायाचे आभार मानावे तितके थोडेच! आता पुन्हा  पुन्हा त्याच त्याच स्वार्थी व्यवहारांची उजळणी करीत रटाळ जीवन जगण्याचा खूप कंटाळा आला. 

(३) निसर्गाने माणसाचा खेळ केलेला नाही, तर माणसानेच निसर्गाचा खूप खेळ केला आहे. कोणत्याही तिर्थक्षेत्री असलेल्या देवालयात जाऊन तिथल्या देवाचे नीट दर्शन घेण्याचा प्रयत्न करावा तर माणसांच्या गर्दीमुळे मेंढरासारखे बाजूला करून फेकले जाते. माणसांनी देवालयांचे कोंडवाडे केले आहेत. मुक्त देवाला तिथे बंदिस्त करून टाकले आहे. इतके बंदिस्त की, देवाला माणसांपासूनच भीती निर्माण होऊन त्याच्या रक्षणासाठी माणसांचीच सुरक्षा व्यवस्था पुरवावी लागतेय. मग अशा ठिकाणी आध्यात्मिक ध्यान व शांती कशी लाभणार?

(४) आता पटलेय की, देवाचे वास्तव्य निसर्गात मुक्त आहे. त्याला कुठेच बंदिस्त करून ठेवता येणार नाही. त्यामुळे त्या मुक्त देवाबरोबर मुक्त निसर्गात मिसळून जाण्याची ओढ लागलीय. 

(५) आता वाटतेय की, मरण्यापूर्वी निदान थोडे दिवस तरी निसर्गात मुक्त फिरावे. रात्री आकाशातील चांदण्याच्या सौंदर्याचे दर्शन घेत शांत झोपी जावे. दिवसा हिरव्यागार झाडाच्या सावलीत पक्षांची किलबिल ऐकत बसावे. जमलेच तर स्वच्छ नदीच्या स्वच्छ पाण्यात जाऊन मुक्त अंघोळ करावी. तसे आणखी खूप काही  करावेसे वाटतेय. उंच डोंगर चढून  जाऊन डोंगर माथ्यावर शांत बसावे. पण पायांत आता तशी ताकद राहिली नाही. असेही वाटते की, समुद्राच्या लाटांवर आरूढ होऊन खालीवर झोके घ्यावे. पण साधे विहिरीत, नदीत पोहता येत नाही आणि समुद्राच्या  लाटांवर काय आरूढ होणार? पण जमेल तेवढे निसर्गाशी समरस होत निसर्गाशी अर्थात देवाशीच मी गुपचूप संवाद साधणार आहे आणि निसर्गाशी अर्थात देवाशीच मैत्री करणार आहे. कोणाला खरे वाटो किंवा खोटे वाटो! *एड.बळीराम मोरे*



(1) Can herbivorous animals be called as civil minded species just because they live by eating vegetarian food and carnivorous animals be called as criminal minded species just because they live by eating non vegetarian food? 

(2) How can Nature or God be called as kind almighty power when we see that life of civil minded weaker herbivorous animals is put by Nature or God at the cruel mercy of  criminal minded stronger  carnivorous animals? What about human species then? Are human species uniformly civil or uniformly criminal or uniformly of mixed character? 

(3) In the light of this background, the so called common law of Nature alleged to be containing principle of uniformity in diversity is really confusing to already stressed human brains. Our foolishness, our hypocrisy, our corruption, our greed, our ego, our aggressive dominance and our bloody violence  are all the products of this confusion.

(4) The Nature or God is really wonderful in creating this confusion. Let us search our love, kindness, compassion and all our spiritual goods in their uniform and equal distribution within wonders of Nature. *Adv.Baliram More*

*निसर्गाय, ईश्वराय नमः! ओम् शांती*!

*निसर्गाय, ईश्वराय नमः! ओम् शांती*!

(१) नैसर्गिक सत्याला भौतिक स्वरूपात पहायचे की आध्यात्मिक स्वरूपात पहायचे, हा मनुष्याने स्वतःच निर्माण केलेला संभ्रम आहे. त्या संभ्रमातून भौतिकतेचे प्रतिनिधीत्व करीत असलेला  निसर्ग व आध्यात्मिकतेचे प्रतिनिधीत्व करीत असलेला देव अशा दोन वेगळ्या महाशक्तींचा गोंधळ मनात तयार होतो आणि त्या मानसिक गोंधळातूनच निसर्गाचे विज्ञान विरूध्द देवाचा धर्म असा संघर्ष निर्माण होते.

(२) वास्तविक मनुष्याकडे पहाण्यासाठी दोन डोळे व ऐकण्यासाठी दोन कान ही वेगवेगळी संपर्क साधने जवळ असली तरी शेवटी त्यांचा संपर्क मेंदूतील एकाच मनाशी होतो. लहान मेंदू व मोठा मेंदू हे मेंदूचे दोन भाग असले तरी दोन्ही भागांचे मिळून एकच मन होते. लोकांची शरीरे सुध्दा वेगळी असली तरी त्यांची मने अशीच एक होतील का? वेगळ्या मनांमुळे निर्माण झालेले नवरा बायकोतील निरर्थक वाद संपून कौटुंबिक हिंसाचार नष्ट होईल का? असे ना ना कायद्याचे प्रश्न मनात तयार होतात.

(३) माझ्या मते, अगदी तशाच प्रश्नांच्या अनुषंगाने निसर्ग व देवाला एकत्र करण्यात काय हरकत आहे? त्यामुळे विज्ञान व धर्म यांच्यातील संघर्ष कायमचा संपुष्टात येईल. मी निसर्ग व देव यांना एकच मानून माझ्यापुरता तरी हा लहानपणापासून सतावणारा प्रश्न वैयक्तिक पातळीवर सोडवला आहे. माझी त्या महान शक्तीपुढील प्रार्थना मी स्वतःच सोपी करून टाकली आहे. निसर्गाय, ईश्वराय नमः! ओम् शांती! *एड.बळीराम मोरे*



(1) You can read only your own mind and not minds of others. In fact, this is very nice arrangement of Nature. This arrangement permits you to keep secrets of your mind within yourself and also permits you to imagine anything that may not be liked by others.

(2) Who cares for your inner spiritual purity? Your outer physical appearance and action is only important to world. So imagine whatever you feel to be right and joyful within your mind. Nobody can break that secrecy to outside world except you. Your mental secrecy is intact under lock and key of Nature. The Nature is your best friend for this.

(3) The laws that govern world including you go by actual proof and justice in terms of such laws goes by actual appearance of justice.

(4) Except few who are same from inside and outside, almost all other people are hypocrites. This is because nobody tells actual truth of one's own mind. For example, a married person can enjoy adultery in mind but can keep it as closely guarded secret till last end showing himself or herself as 100% faithful spouse to his or her matrimonial partner and thus marriage can proceed and succeed with mutual love and trust and also can last long till last breath of both or anyone of such partners. This is because such mental secrecy is well protected by Nature and Right to Information Act can do nothing to break this secrecy.

(5) The Nature is really wonderful in creating this wonderful arrangement of mental secrecy and power of imagination. Let us enjoy this wonder of Nature permitting you to be hypocritical in life. After all, justice should appear to have been done in terms of laws of Nature. One who learns this art of living as hypocrite in hypocritical world lives happy and peaceful in such world. *Adv.Baliram More*
*In any relationship trust is a must, or everything just rusts to dust. Have a trustful relationship*. -Unknown


(1) Love and trust should go together. But love and trust have to be read with "mutual self" and not with  "individual self". 

(2) It is this "mutual self" which is very challenging since it involves complex process of "individual self" and "individual ego" working together towards mutual satisfaction of individual self and individual ego for giving output of mutual love and trust.

(3) If world demands love and trust from you as your duty, you have right to demand same from world. Love and trust can never be one sided. They are always mutual. The world includes your own people whom you are treating as your own in capacity of they being your close relatives and friends.

(4) It can really become a horrible experience for you when world insists on putting you in test box for testing your love and trust for world after sharing with you its hatred and mistrust.

(5) When you test your  own love and trust for others including your close relatives and friends, you can find that love and trust are very costly things of life for you because you are very poor in buying them or very weak in earning them. If you are not facing this problem in your life, you are the richest and strongest person/s of world.

(6) Long time healthy, joyful and peaceful relationship with mutual love and trust can remain a dream for many in mixed world. Wonderfully, world does not want to change, but wants only you to change! World wants to remain mixed, but wants you to be pure! When you have to prove your purity in the midst of impurity around you, you test it better. You can remain unmarried, but you cannot remain independent from world and that is where whole problem lies. *Adv.Baliram More*



(1) The human psychology is a complex phenomenon because human psychological balance is not always stable. In fact, psychological imbalance of human mind is also found to be one of the causes of crime by forensic science. 

(2) The mental imbalance provokes human mind to give irrational response to any demanding fact or situation. Surprisingly, Nature expects stable practice of natural law by unstable human mind without physical presence of Nature to give actual direction to human mind in such practice. 

(3) The practice of natural law by human mind without actual physical presence of Nature is very difficult. *Adv.Baliram More*