शुक्रवार, ५ जून, २०२०



(1) We human beings are not same genetically (DNA wise) and also  mentally, although we are uniform biologically as top ecological living  species evolved by Nature. The mentally means both emotionally and intellectually. This is the reason why environmental effect including effect of disease causing germs and viruses on human body and mind and human body and mind response to environmental ups and downs differ from person to person meaning it is not the same for all human beings uniformly although all human beings are biologically uniform as top ecological living species.

(2) But inspite of this scientific truth it is paradoxical that our social laws insist on principle of equality for all human beings. The equality  as principle of law is conceived by communism. But the capitalism goes with equity as principle of law also known as the principle of reasonable classification. The  debate between communism and capitalism is actually the debate between equality and equity. My comparative study between natural law and social law reminds me that natural justice generated by Nature and social justice conceived by social conscience of human society  is not the same. We cannot drag Nature to the level of small part of Nature called human society. It is a fact that even after social law of civilized human society giving equal opportunity to all human beings to develop their talent, the human beings are not going to be equal because talent or intellectual capacity is not the same with all human beings. That is the reason why even if all rich students are given equal opportunity to learn in international schools of high repute all will not score equal marks in the examination conducted by such schools.

(3) What I understand from my aforesaid comparative study is that the equality is myth within Nature and if it is myth within Nature, it is also myth within human society because human society is just a small part of Nature. This can also be understood in the context of present corona (covid-19) epidemic and its effect on human society of the whole world. Although social government forced lockdown to prevent spread of this novel corona virus is uniform measure adopted by all governments worldwide and although mask and social distance measure is going to remain as an uniform measure of preventive care worldwide, fact remains that the immunity of all human beings to face this novel viral attack is not the same worldwide and therefore the medical treatment to cure corona disease cannot remain the same worldwide even after invention of uniform medicine on this disease.

(4) It is paradoxical that although our common preventive care is found to be same, our risk is not the same. This confirms that the equity is basic principle of law of Nature and not equality. The near exact uniformity cannot get converted into exact equality. Even physical exercise generally advised by doctors to almost all persons as uniform health measure is myth in my understanding because it cannot be applied equally in equal quantity to all persons. The heavy exercise of youngsters cannot be advised to old aged people. There is no perfect measurement of moderate exercise and that is scientifically true.

(5) Let us accept the fact that the exactness and perfection of basic elementary physics and chemistry is not applicable to evolutionary biology and sociology including philosophy and religion adopted by different human groups. We have to accept the fact that we are going to have difference of opinions in the matter of philosophy, religion and also our social laws because we human beings are not exactly the same or perfectly uniform living species in terms of science of Nature!


कोणत्याही टिप्पण्‍या नाहीत:

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