मंगळवार, १४ जुलै, २०२०



(1) By my long observation of world and also long experimentation with world,  I have come to conclusion that we all human beings along with all other living and non-living matters within world are moved by system of Nature having compulive force of Nature within such system.  Our life subsistence/preservation economic system and life defence/protection political system and our economic and political movement within such two systems are the gifts of system of Nature having its own natural force.

(2) The Nature pushes us through its forceful system and we all move as directed by such system. But we feel the reverse as if we are moving things in the world by our force in the same way as our false feeling about trees moving back when we observe them by sitting within fast moving train. Actually, trees remain standing motionless but we feel as if they are moving back because of force of train moving forward. It is a wonderful feeling about untruth while truth is different. Our feeling of sun moving in sky is same false feeling when we observe sun from earth moving around sun while actually sun remains standing motionless at the centre of solar system of which earth is one part.

(3) It is pertinent to note that our response to the system of Nature is almost compulsory by strong force of Nature (when such force has mild impact it is called pressure and not force) although we feel that it is voluntary from us. What is the definition of Nature? We cannot actually define Nature in correct term. We call material world not only on earth but also within space as Nature or simply universe as Nature. We do not know as to what exactly is force or forceful energy within universe and some of us just abstractly call such forceful energy as God because we do not know such hidden force exactly or in any specific concrete term.

(4) It can be observed and also truly  experienced that things go wrong when we wrongly intermeddle with system of Nature by our voluntary action. The movement or motion of things within system of Nature is wonderful, entertaining and also thrilling. We should just observe and experience system of Nature and motion within such system  without intermeddling with such system. There is big difference between wrongful intermeddling with system of Nature and correct technological and/or sociological response to such system.

(5) Just observe that the birth of a human person is forced externally by sexual union between human parents moving within world just  external to such human person, but the post birth life and death of such human person moves from internal world of body and mind of such human person to the world external to such human person. It can also be further observed that both such external and internal worldly motion  is forced by system of Nature not within control of either parents or children born to such parents. It can be said that the response of our parents for sexual union was under force of system of Nature and the same is the case with our own response to system of Nature.

(6) Now the last lesson of today's article is that although you cannot remain independent or separated from external world around you, do not teach TOO MUCH to such world around you from what is learned by you from such world by your self study because the same world will start teaching you back and also killing you with your own knowledge  out of its over smartness. Your hard earned knowledge earned by you by your hard and consistent self study is your own intellectual property. It is your self acquired capital. Do not make it cheap by distributing it freely to the world around you.


कोणत्याही टिप्पण्‍या नाहीत:

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