मंगळवार, ५ डिसेंबर, २०२३



My dear friend Adv. Vijay Tawde, thank you very much for sharing this eye opening video with me. This is really great inspiring video at the turning point of my social declaration that I am retiring from advocacy. I am actually lucky to be in legal profession as an advocate because this profession is basically social and I am basically social minded person.

The decision of retirement from advocacy was sad & bad decision of killing myself means killing my inborn social spirit. Hence, I am cancelling said foolish decision of retirement from advocacy. It is correct to say that advocate never retires till he is dead by his body and mind. The dead here also means physically and mentally handicapped or incapacitated. This video made me realise my silly  mistake and I am now back to my advocacy including legal consultancy once again. I am also restarting my facebook account once again along with my other social activities such as my society's executiveship and other social contacts.

I have not worked as any servant or employee in any private or government organization to get retired compulsorily after reaching age of say 58 or 60 with some pension or bank balance in my hand? What will I do after retiring from advocacy? Just sitting idle at home? Just writing my thoughts in the social media without face to face social contacts with people or just chatting with my wife who is also idling away her time on you tube and TV entertainment after finishing her household work including some round up in market for purchasing vegetables? She is alright with her household work because she has been doing so with interest as a full time housewife since our marriage in the year 1985. But how can I be like her all of a sudden? Can I share my intellectual ideas and thoughts with her? Can I give my social speeches to her in home? Absolutely not!

Let me remain creative as earlier and social too till I really become incapable of being so by force of Nature and thank you friend once again for opening my eyes by sharing this inspiring video!🙏🙏

-Adv.B.S.More, 6.12.2023

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