गुरुवार, ४ जानेवारी, २०२४

Copyright Disclaimer!


All please know it well that this videographed film song is within public domain and being open for public watching on public platform, its public sharing by members of public cannot be claimed as the exclusive copyright of its original creator provided its original artistic form is not changed and is not claimed to be original creation of one who shares it in public meaning the name & credit of original creator remains reserved with such original creator only.

I do respect the copyright of original creator of any art such as music, writing etc. I being myself a writer. I have shared this musical video without any change or modification in its original content with my facebook friends purely for the purpose of enjoying its music in its original form within friend circle and not with commercial purpose of making any profit out of such sharing. 

I am not at all claiming it as my own creation & original creation remains with the original creator of artistic creation or musical video. The copying simply means imitation of others creation as creation of copy master. I have shared this musical video with my facebook friends for FAIR USE for purpose of enjoying it within friend circle. This FAIR USE is  permitted by Copyright Act and there is no infringment of copyright of original creator. It is non-profit sharing only for personal entertainment purpose within friend circle and such use is FAIR USE. I disclaim my ownership  right over this creation and I disclaim that I have infringed with copyright of its original creator. Thank you!


कोणत्याही टिप्पण्‍या नाहीत:

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