गुरुवार, ३० एप्रिल, २०२०

Nothing is changed


Let me take stock of my own self! I find that even at my old age of 63 (which I will complete on 27th June 2020 and will enter in the 64th year of my life) I carry same enthusiasm for learning which I carried in my school and college days. Only basic  difference in the learning process is that I paid my money in the form of school and college fee to said basic  educational institutions with my open challenge to said institutions to test my knowledge by examining me through rigorous periodic tests. This was my big challenge to said educational institutions to test my knowledge at my own learning and monetary cost. But even after hard proving of my knowledge through   passing of said school and college examinations I could not become star of said knowledge because I could not pay big admission fee to big industrial units and their big lords with my open challenge to them to test not only my knowledge but also my intellectual ability to work on said knowledge at my own cost. This was definitely due to my poor economic background. This marketing failure was fatal as I could not get big opportunity to prove my knowledge and my ability from big groups. In other words, I could not get admission in big institutions of practice. I was not examined at all by these big lords. How could then they explore my knowledge and ability? This forced me to struggle hard only with small institutions of practice with very limited scope to expand. My dream to become star of my knowledge  thus got spoiled. But this failure to become star of my own knowledge could not and cannot stop me from further learning as student forever. My enthusiasm cannot be killed by  anybody. I have now developed a very strange habit of imagining myself as a very sincere and hard working student sitting in school and college class rooms with same enthusiasm for learning of those old days of my childhood and young age. Only big difference is that of my old age and of fact that there are no big examiners capable of examining my knowledge and ability properly. This odd situation has forced me to engage in the process of self learning and self examining myself without big earning of economic wealth and celebrity status of star from any big  source. But I am not disappointed and tired. I am still enthusiastic and hopeful!


कोणत्याही टिप्पण्‍या नाहीत:

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