मंगळवार, २१ एप्रिल, २०२०



The roses as well as thorns along with roses are both truth of Nature. While the roses are sweet truth of Nature, the thorns are bitter truth of Nature. The path towards roses is thorny. The thorny path is actually war path full of obstructions and challenges. If the life is truth of Nature, birth and death are two sides of such truth which two sides are also truth of Nature. The birth represents bright or sweet side of life and death represents dark or bitter side of life. The life is thus sandwiched between sweet and bitter sides of life. The life has only temporary presence within Nature and similarly sweet and bitter sides of life also have their temporary presence within Nature. How do you look at this truth of Nature? Just take the example of glass half filled with water and half empty without water. The glass may be taken as the representative of life, half part of glass filled with water may be taken as sweet side of life and half part of glass empty without water may be taken as bitter side of life. All these three things viz. glass (life), half water filled part of glass (sweet side of life) and half empty or waterless part of glass (bitter side of life) are all truth of Nature. The Nature provides food for life preservation and this is sweet side of life truth of Nature. But Nature endangeres life with germs and viruses some of which are deadly (take the example of present novel corona or covid-19 virus of the year 2019). However, then surprisingly the Nature also provides relief from such germs and viruses by providing disease preventive and/curative drugs or medicines. This biological war against life threatening diseases is actually forced by Nature and this war path for saving life is bitter side of life which is actually the bitter truth of Nature. Should we praise Nature as God for being good in creating sweet truth of Nature and blame Nature as Devil for being bad  in creating bitter truth of Nature? The answer is left to the wisdom or intelligence of human brain which is also truth of Nature.


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