बुधवार, २२ एप्रिल, २०२०



(1) Friends, old and new, please note that this is my new facebook account. My old facebook account is under deletion process now. My decision to delet old account was sad decision because I had about 5000 friends and many followers there and around 200 friends were active all the time reading my posts regularly and liking them too. But that account lateron got spoiled by political and religious comments from some mischivous people calling themselves as my friends which comments were provocative and insulting. This forced me to close that account permanently even at the cost of some good friends.

(2) This new account is private and only selected few are admitted. I am a lawyer of 63 years of mature age having 32 years of law practice. Actually, I am forced in the legal profession by circumstance. But from school days science was my very interesting subject and I had scored distinctive marks in general science and physics-chemistry subjects in old S.S.C. examination (old 11th standard) and wanted to become a doctor. But due to very poor and uneducated background of my family I was adviced by some school friends not to go for science  college and accordingly I selected commerce faculty reluctantly. After passing B.Com.(Hons.) from Podar College of Commerce,  I did ICSI course of two years in Intermediate Company Secretary and finally I did LL.B. course of three years from Government Law College. I entered in law practice on 19th March, 1988  by force of circumstance as NDDB a central government organization where I was working as accounts assistant had to close its unit viz. Indian Dairy Corporation and I was compelled by circumstance to take premature voluntary retirement. I  became a lawyer in 1988 because I decided not to do job anymore and remain as independent lawyer. But if I could have continued in NDDB service, I would not have become a lawyer.

(3) Now in old age I am satisfying my desire of learning science after drop in that learning at the end of my secondary school education by joining some international science groups on facebook and that is the reason you may find many science posts being shared by me here from said groups. This is because although law is my profession, the science is my passion. The lawyer is actually jack of all if master of none. He or she is generalist and specialist. Even otherwise, the law itself is a part of science of Nature.

(4) At the fag end of life, let me all tell you that my presence here on face book is not for any wish that anybody of you should read and like  my posts. I have long experience of around 5 years about social media. It is a fantasy world. But I do not live in fantasy. I am real and my thoughts are real. It is left to the readers to become real like me or not. Even otherwise, facts, reality differ from person to person. Like science, writing is also my passion and I am satisfying that passion by using facebook as my writing pad. It was never and it will never be my botheration whether anybody of you like my posts or not! My passion shall continue in the midst of all odds. I am ending this note with thought of one philosopher namely  LEARNING NEVER EXHAUSTS THE MIND! -Leonardo da Vinci!

Thank you!


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