मंगळवार, २८ एप्रिल, २०२०

Human Conduct


(1) The word "reasonable" is not exact or concrete word. It is just abstract or general word. It means based on human reason which is able to support human action. It is by such abstract or general reason that human conduct can generally be classified in three categories viz. natural conduct, unnatural conduct and high natural conduct. The first two categories are basic conducts. The natural conduct means basic natural (प्राकृत/नैसर्गिक) conduct. The unnatural conduct means basically unnatural (विकृत/अनैसर्गिक) conduct. The third category is very special to human mind. It is supplementary category which is not basic in form. This is high natural human conduct which can be labelled as charitable or well cultured (सुसंस्कृत) conduct.

(2) The natural human conduct is in tune with laws of Nature or as per the order of Nature. The unnatural human conduct is contrary to laws of Nature or against the order of Nature. e.g. sex by consent is natural sex, but sex by rape is unnatural sex or death by aging is natural death, but death by murder is unnatural death. But what is natural for other animals may not be natural for human beings. e.g. cruel hunting by wild animals is not accepted as natural conduct for human being by human reason. But this human reason is again abstract  or general reason and not concrete reason because non-vegetarian food conduct is accepted as natural  human conduct. Only condition is that animal killing should not be in cruel way like that of wild animals.

(3) The third category of human conduct is very special for human beings. Special acts of higher love, kindness, compassion, generosity, sacrifice of selfishness for others etc. are examples of high natural, charitable or well cultured (सुसंस्कृत) human conduct. It is pertinent to note that social law is necessary to regulate the natural human conduct and to control the unnatural human conduct. It is actually not necessary  to have social law for regulating charitable conduct or moral human behaviour. But the possibility of some people misusing the charity purpose under temptation of being unnatural compells the civil society to have the law governing charity.


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