शनिवार, २५ एप्रिल, २०२०



The world has become noisy and chaotic by so many non-essential products having three basic forms viz. intellectual products, economic products and political products. The human greed and jealousy are basic stimulants of these products. The marketing giants are shrewd in bombardment of these products on human minds through their diverse marketing channels and convincing human minds with necessity to buy these non-essential products. The meditation lies in avoiding eye, ear and mouth contact with all these  non-essential products. In specific, poor and weak persons who are incapable of buying non-essential products should follow product distancing rule strictly in relation to such non essential products which are in fact the special luxuries of economically rich and politically strong people. Since these luxury  products are eye, ear and mouth polluting, one should keep his or her eyes, ears closed and mouth shut, even writing pad shut, in relation to these non-essential or luxury products. This strict product distancing is true meditation in my personal view!


कोणत्याही टिप्पण्‍या नाहीत:

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