शुक्रवार, २४ एप्रिल, २०२०

Intellectuals Insecurity


The art of film artists and sport of sportsmen is not only generally understood but also generally liked by commons with their common sense and common interest or common attraction of high degree. This is not the case with special  professionals such as doctors and advocates. This may be the reason why these professionals do not carry fan numbers in lakhs from commons. In fact, if professionals like doctors and advocates start giving free lecturers to commons on subjects of medicine and law, they will not attract large number of common people in the same way as film artists and sportsmen like cricketers attract. Actually, subject matters dealt with by doctors and advocates are life essential matters and sensitive, but these life lessons  do not attract common people in the same way as subject matters of entertainment. In fact, the public speaking on such life essential and sensitive subject matters by doctors and advocates may invite risk to life of these professionals from common majority. This risk is carried even by intellectual writers and speakers who come open in public as social reformers. The recent murders of intellectuals and social reformers such as Dr. Narendra Dabholkar, Comrade Govind Pansare, Kalburgi, Gauri Lankesh are fearful examples of consequences of the intellectual minority coming open in public with its reformation attempt. In the light of this truth, the doctors, lawyers and intellectuals should adopt a policy of caution with note that let film arists and sportsmen remain celebrity at commons for aforesaid reason, intellectuals should not get tempted to become celebrity.


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