गुरुवार, ३० एप्रिल, २०२०

Wild politics


The competition for survival is wild between lower ecological living species such as herbivorous and carnivorous animals based on killing instinct. The top ecological human species have been evolved from said lower ecological living species (Ref. Darwin's theory of evolution) and hence human beings also carry killing instinct. It can be observed that competition for life survival is everywhere within living world and the human world is no exception to this rule of Nature. But in the process of evolution, the human brain seems to have turned  civilized from wild and accordingly inter human life competition has become civilized competition. We find that the competition in diverse fields such as art, sport, medical, engineering, legal, business etc. is mostly civil. The exception to this is often found in political competition. The competition in dictatorial form of government is wildly suppressed by dictatorship of weapon power. The democratic government is civil in principle, but it is found to be wildly criminal in practice. This can be confirmed from fact that followers of opposite political parties often use abusive words against each other which word war ultimately turn violent. This proves that human beings have not become civilized in true sense. The co-existence of criminal law along with civil law is proof enough to prove this fact. The politics is actually not the field for straightforward civil people.


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