शुक्रवार, २४ एप्रिल, २०२०

Nature is God


Nature is God for me which fact I can personally sense and also experience. I do not believe in any mythological God! I see God as almighty power and I look at Nature as that almighty power! I like to call Nature as God in the same way as I like to call my parents as my father and mother. I can call my parents simply as man and woman who were biologically responsible for creation of my life. But no, I avoid that calling. There is a strong  emotional reason behind it. It is the same emotional reason which force me to call Nature as God and not simply as plain Nature. This is my own way of looking at Nature. If Nature is truth for me then God is also truth for me in the form of Nature. This is only my personal vision or rather personal opinion and others may differ with it. The difference of opinion is fact of human world!


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