मंगळवार, ६ फेब्रुवारी, २०२४



The original structure and  working mechanism of the natural products including humans beings produced by Nature is so good, so perfect and so beautiful  that there is no need for any human intervention & intermeddling with it.

But the human beings at the instance of their over intelligence, over wisdom and with profit motive have spoiled original structure & original mechanism by artificial supplements. The processed fast foods as supplements to original natural food products is fine example of artificial supplements created by human beings out of their over enthusiasm & greed in the name of their technical advancement & industrial progress.

To get away from artificial supplements by throwing them in dustbin for living natural life has been made difficult by human beings themselves because they have forgotten originality of Nature by getting habitual to their own creation of artificial supplements. The artificial intelligence is the latest model of such man made artificial supplement.

-©Adv.B.S.More, 6.2.2024

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