शुक्रवार, ९ फेब्रुवारी, २०२४



The Universe or Nature as the product of Nature is too complex to live in. One who believes in God as creator and controller of Universe or Nature then is inclined to conclude logically that the brain of God is too complex otherwise it would not have made world within Universe or Nature so complex.

The complexity of Universe or Nature is structural and functional complexity or simply the mechanical or scientific complexity. One who strongly believes in the God cannot live life just in mechanical or scientific touch with God in the midst of lot of miseries of life created by mechanical or scientific complexiry of Nature. The theist or God believer lives in additional touch with God called the emotional or spiritual touch with God.

The mechanical/scientific touch with God gives some concrete physical reliefs in miseries of life and the emotional/spiritual touch with God gives some abstract mental reliefs in miseries of life. Both these touches with God have to be worked with together. It is like body & mind working together.

But there is no guarantee of complete physical relief by the mechanical/scientific touch with God & complete mental relief by emotional/ spiritual touch with God. It is because of this reality that people prefer to live with miseries of life in partial mechanical or scientific and partial emotional or spiritual touch with God. For example, some patients prefer to suffer from disease than to undergo complex medical remedy and some victims of injustice prefer to suffer from injustice than to go through long complex legal remedy. This bitter truth or reality of world & life have made some people atheists (non- believers in God).

The living with miseries of complex world and life with or without belief in God is actually the compulsion of Nature or God believed to be within Nature. But it is also true that large human  population continue to live as theists with belief in God than to follow atheism. It is mainly because of reason that sometimes spiritual mind wins over material  body or spiritualism of God wins over materialism of Nature. There are some miraculous experiences of strong determination of mind winning over weak or diseased body and strong belief in God winning over challenging complexity of the material/mechanical science of Nature.

In my personal intellectual and emotional view, one should live in mechanical/scientific as well as the emotional/spiritual touch with God in the midst of compulsive miseries/sufferings of life created by complexity of material/mechanical science of Nature.

-©Adv.B.S.More, 9.2.2024

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