मंगळवार, १३ फेब्रुवारी, २०२४



I was finding it very difficult to connect Nature with God, Science with Religion (Dharma) and materialism of Nature with spiritualism God. But ultimately I got relieved from confusion when I seriously thought over the meaning of four purusharthas contained in Hindu religion. These four purusharthas are dharm, arth, kam and moksh. Each purusharth has very deep meaning within it. The simple meanings of these four purusharthas whose true understanding and determined practice in life is difficult but worth doing are as stated hereinbelow.

The Dharm means religion or law. It means performing all material karmas of the science of Nature in terms of religion or law. The law tells what is right conduct (dharm) and what is wrong conduct (adharm). The law or religion does not only mean performing of only good karmas (dharma). It also includes destruction of bad karmas (adharma). This is basic principle or substantive law.

The next purusharth is Arth. The Arth means earning, enjoying & securing of the material wealth of Nature by all lawful means and weapons. It simply means materialism of science of Nature in terms of law (religion/dharm). The law within arth is actually detailed principled procedure prescribed by basic principle of law viz. first purusharth of dharm. The arth is right conduct in terms of due process of law.

The third purusharth is Kam. The Kam does not mean any material karma or sex as people commonly understand. The simple meaning of Kam is Ishwar Kamana means spiritual desire of establishing union with God, the creator of Nature and controller of its science. It is love or bhakti of God.

The fourth purusharth is  Moksh. The Moksh does not mean renouncing of material world as Sanyasi or death. Actually, Moksh means divine peace one gets by spiritual union with God and it can be enjoyed by human being during his life time itself.

Now I come to the point of connection between the science of Nature and the spiritualism of God. For understanding this basic connection I have divided above four purusharthas in two parts. The first part is that of Dharm and Arth which two purusharthas in combination become the science of Nature. The next two parts of Kam & Moksh in combination become the spiritualism of God. Since all four purusharthas are connected with each other first two parts viz. Science of Nature and latter two parts viz. Spiritualism of God are also connected with each other. This is my personal analysis and my personal understanding which may vary with other masters in this field.

God bless!

-©Adv.B.S.More, 12.2.2024

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