शनिवार, २ मे, २०२०

Understanding Truth of Nature


(1) The Nature is all and all is of, by and within Nature. The Nature can be sensed through science. The science is thus consciousness of Nature. This sense/consciousness of Nature through science is meant for practice of science. The science can be practised in the form of technology and as per the mode, manner, way or direction of law. The science is thus divided in two parts viz. technology and law for its practice purpose. These two parts can be called as applied science or science in practice.

(2) The technology is application of diverse forms of matter and energy  and their diverse properties namely  physical, chemical, bio-physical, bio-chemical & bio-psychological. This application of science in the form of technology cannot be just arbitrary. It has to be as per the law which is actually the mode, manner, way or direction for technology prescribed by Nature.

(3) The law is reasoned & principled direction to technology. It can also be called as reasoned & principled philosophy or religion of Nature contained within science. The sense or knowledge of science is not complete only with technology or only with law. One is required to have knowledge of both technology and law. The knowledge of law is useless without knowledge of technology and the knowledge of technology is aimless in absence of proper direction contained within law.

(4) The science, technology and law are so vast that these three things cannot be mastered by one person. It is for this reason that there are scientists for science, engineers, doctors, artists, sportsmen etc. for technology and lawyers, judges along with businessmen, politicians etc. for law. The law is also so vast that it cannot be held together by any one person or any one group of persons and hence it is divided in three groups viz. legislature as the group of scientists of law, executive as the group of technocrats of law and judiciary as group of directors of law.

(5) The science is whole design of Nature whose movement is not possible without technology & law. But the motion of science cannot be smooth without technology and law working together as friends of each other. Even in the matter of law, motion of direction of law given by legislature cannot be smooth without executive and judiciary working together as friends of each other. One should not forget that law within science or philosophy of science called law itself is the religion of Nature.

(6) The science or design of Nature moves in the form of technology and as per the mode of law under strong force of time cycle called kalchakra. This time cycle creates cyclic ups and downs within motion  of science. These ups and downs are mythologically called the works of destiny or fate called Niyati. But actually the destiny is nobody than the Nature itself and the force of time cycle is also actually the force of Nature itself. It is pertinent to note that the Nature is permanent, its science is stable, but this stable science is not free from temporary ups and downs created by force of Nature called time cycle!


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