गुरुवार, ७ मे, २०२०

Right to Family


(1) Man is social animal by nature! But the sensitiveness of his social nature differs. He is very sensitive meaning very personal in relation to his own family (he includes she). But he is not that much sensitive in relation to other people and their families, meaning in relation to the community as a  whole.

(2) This is the difference between micro social sensitivity at own family unit level and macro social sensitivity at community level. Man remains socially narrow minded in relation to his family and socially broad minded in relation to whole community.

(3) It is likely that some people may choose to remain unmarried or single. Such people may be away from family sensitivity, but they may satisfy their social tendency by developing social companionship, social friendship etc. Their social sensitivity normally remains broad and not narrow.

(4) The social government while making and enforcing social laws should take into account the natural phenomenon of man being social animal but generally being very sensitive in relation to his own family. The right to family is man's basic human right!


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