गुरुवार, १४ मे, २०२०

Myth of God's spiritualism


The things of world can get straight natural to human mind if it changes its outlook towards God. Let mind see God with material outlook and not with spiritual outlook. Let God believing mind assume that God created material Nature and started living within it by making Nature as God's home. The next logic would then follow that if God's home viz. Nature is material, how can God live as spiritual entity within Nature as God's home? The two logics follow viz. God behind Nature as creator of material Nature and God within or in Nature as material resident and material controller of Nature. By this logic, God cannot be called as Nature or Nature cannot be called as God. The Nature is just a material world by, of and for God. God's motion in or within Nature is material. Such material motion is God's material conduct. God is thus materially natural and not spiritually divine within Nature. The humanity or human morality is also materially natural and should not be confused with God's spiritualism or divinity. Even cruelty found within Nature is materially natural and constant war between good and bad, right and wrong is also materially natural motion of God. The human concept of law and flaw or dharma and adharma is thus materially natural. There is nothing spiritual about it. We, the human beings, are all small parts of material Nature along with other material parts, living and non -living. Let us look at God as material entity in or within material Nature and then follow such God materially and not spiritually. Let us come out of myth of God's divinity or spiritualism.


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