शनिवार, १३ एप्रिल, २०२४



Let you stop your foolish endeavour of testing worth of your self earned higher  level knowledge by its free sharing for public taste on the social media platforms such as facebook, twitter, instagram, quora, you tube channel & whatsapp. The linkedin may be continued for some time for limited purpose of professional connect with lawyers. Your personal blog on google will continue for personal expression to self and not for any free public sharing. It may be deleted latter when you will realise that no book can be printed out of it in return for monetary consideration.

It is foolishness to share hard earned knowledge and reasoned thoughts based on such knowledge in the social media free of cost thereby venturing into free criticism from unknown members of public at the cost of devaluation of high valued self knowledge. Let you not write even letters to editors of newspapers for their publication at the cost of free public taste and free criticism.

The public media agents such as newspapers, radio, TV channels etc. share their  information with public not for doing free charity called building of public opinion but they do it simply for their business for earning monetary profit out of such public sharing. Even some intellectuals are sharing their knowledge on their you tube channels in return for monetary price earned out of advertisements on you tube channels.

And what are you doing even after knowing all this? Sharing your knowledge & true life experience with public free of cost thereby devaluing your knowledge at the risk of free criticism? Are you going to become big public personality with your name & fame by such free public sharing of your knowledge? Do not try to educate the brains of public  members scattered over their different areas with their different educational, economic and political backgrounds and different ideologies. Do not risk your life by inviting unwanted reactions to your writings from unknown persons. All businessmen, politicians, lawyers, doctors, engineers, artists, sportsmen, writers, speakers etc. share their knowledge and skill with  people in return for money and/or political power. It is their gainful employment?

Are you gainfully employed in any way in task of public sharing of your knowledge for its public taste free of cost? At least now onwards  learn to control your own mind instead of wasting your time and energy in any public interaction free of cost!

-©Adv.B.S.More, 13.4.2024

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