गुरुवार, ४ एप्रिल, २०२४



For me Nature is science consisting of two things viz. material structure of Nature (universe including material world on earth) & system of law (principled procedure) of Nature governing motion of and within such structure of Nature. The system of Nature is law of Nature meant for two objects viz. economic maintenance of the structure of Nature and political protection of the structure of Nature. These two objects of the law of Nature are themselves the two reasons of such law of Nature.

For me, the aforesaid science of Nature cannot be without supreme power in and behind such science. I call this supreme power as God. But for me since God and science of Nature go together, God is mainly  scientific and natural and not religious and spiritual. Actually, for me the God is scientist who seems to have created structure of Nature and seems to have established system of such structure. The God scientist for me is thus creator and controller of science of Nature. The God scientist for me is supreme power and supreme authority of science of Nature and I believe the same to exist in science of Nature.

But although we all human beings live under supreme command of God scientist, we including other animals and non-living matters are NOT equal before God and his law. The God scientist has not given us equal strength & equal weakness. Some of us are very strong and some of us are very weak and because of this arrangement our status is NOT the same within the structure and system of Nature. The reason for this disturbing discrimination is best known to the God scientist only. We can do just guess work on this as per our logical intelligence.

The good, noble emotions such as love, kindness, compassion, generousity etc. of human mind may give us spiritual feel good satisfaction of our mind but I am NOT sure whether any helpless, distressed human being will surely get kind justice from scientist God in answer to spiritual prayer before such God. Such prayer's capacity to convince God scientist to change his decision or his natural selection is really doubtful to me.

We cannot go beyond science. We all are bonded labour of God scientist being bonded to science of Nature. It is all science!

-©Adv.B.S.More, 5.4.2024

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