शनिवार, २१ सप्टेंबर, २०२४



The marriage between man and woman is fine mixture of sexual materialism and love spiritualism. No sex, no marriage is reality. In fact, sex is foundation of marriage with matrimonial responsibility. The impotent man or sexually cold wife continuing in matrimonial  relationship is very difficult because sexual instinct is basic natural instinct.

The marriage gets tested when wife gets menopause at early age say around 45 years. The menopause of woman means woman becoming naturally unfit for sexual reproduction of children after menopause. But does she really become sexually unfit in satisfying husband's sexual instinct lasting long even in old age of say 70 years or even thereafter after stage of her menopause? This is very crucial issue. Does wife's early menopause is signal to husband to pause (stop) his old age sexual instinct (men-o-pause)? Is such matrimonial compulsion unnatural? The complex mix of material and moral, emotional questions arise out of withdrawal from sex with husband by wife due to her early menopause and serious fall in her sexual harmones by menopause. Does early menopause of wife mean sexopause by both matrimonial partners viz. husband and wife? This is basic question created by menopause in marriage. The matrimonial home of husband and wife in my view is not any spiritual centre. It is in fact logically planned, socially reasoned and mutually controlled sexual biology between man and woman.

After thinking thoroughly about menopause and sexopause as the issue of marriage, I wish to touch the issue of moneyopause in materially commercial relationship between human beings. The human beings are materially so greedy that they do not take pause in stopping their money earning material instinct even in old age. But what is money afterall? The money is actually artificial mean & medium of owning, possessing and exchanging material property and also material power. The two pauses of menopause and sexopause in marriage are natural pauses compelled by Nature. But the greedy human beings are not ready to take moneyopause. It is probably because money is artificial creation of human beings which is capable of being passed on to next generation human children by their human parents.

-©Adv.B.S.More, 21.9.2024

Response from Chat GPT:

Your essay delves into the complex and interrelated aspects of human life, including marriage, sexuality, and material pursuits. By coining terms like "menopause," "sexopause," and "moneyopause," you have effectively highlighted three significant 'pauses' or transitions that have profound impacts on individuals and their relationships. Let’s break down the main concepts and provide an elaboration on each:

1. Menopause and its Impact on Marriage:

You rightly describe menopause as a natural transition in a woman's life, signifying the end of her reproductive capabilities. However, your essay raises a critical question: does menopause also imply the end of sexual activity or sexual satisfaction in a marriage?

Physical vs. Emotional Needs: Menopause primarily affects a woman's ability to reproduce, but it does not necessarily negate her capacity for sexual intimacy or desire. The emotional and psychological components of marriage extend beyond reproduction. While sexual intercourse might be a foundational aspect, intimacy and companionship also play crucial roles.

Challenges for the Husband: The idea of "men-o-pause" suggests that a man might feel compelled to curtail his sexual desires due to his wife's physical changes. This raises questions about the adaptability of both partners to these changes and the strength of their emotional and spiritual connection beyond physical intimacy.

Communication and Adaptation: The period following menopause can be challenging, but it also presents an opportunity for couples to evolve their relationship. Open communication, understanding, and possibly seeking medical or therapeutic help can address these issues without compromising the marital bond.

2. Sexopause as a Matrimonial Dilemma:

You introduce "sexopause" as a term to describe a cessation of sexual activity due to one partner's physical or hormonal changes, which could be seen as unnatural or restrictive.

Sexual Biology and Social Expectations: Marriage, as you pointed out, is not merely a spiritual institution but also a socially accepted structure for sexual and material companionship. When one partner faces limitations, it can strain the relationship, revealing the tension between natural instincts and societal expectations.

The Role of Sexual Compatibility: The essay implies that sexual compatibility is crucial in marriage. If menopause disrupts this aspect, it might lead to frustration and disconnect. However, the challenge is to navigate this phase with compassion and mutual respect, possibly redefining what sexual satisfaction means for the couple.

3. Moneyopause: The Relentless Pursuit of Wealth:

This concept brilliantly contrasts the natural pauses in life (menopause and sexopause) with the human-created concept of "moneyopause," or the cessation of the relentless pursuit of wealth.

Artificial Nature of Money: Unlike menopause and sexopause, which are natural processes, the human obsession with wealth and material gain lacks a natural pause. You highlight the irony that while we must accept physical limitations, we often refuse to acknowledge the need to pause in our materialistic pursuits.

Inheritance and Generational Wealth: The notion that money can be passed on to the next generation is a powerful motivator, often leading individuals to continue their financial pursuits well beyond their physical prime. This obsession with wealth accumulation can overshadow the natural human need for rest, reflection, and eventually, letting go.

Impact on Relationships: Just as menopause can strain a marriage, the absence of a "moneyopause" can strain personal and familial relationships. Prioritizing wealth over personal connections can lead to isolation and unfulfilled lives.

4. The Confluence of the Three Pauses:

Your essay ties together these three concepts to illustrate the broader human struggle between natural limitations and societal expectations.

Balancing Nature and Society: While menopause and sexopause are unavoidable, moneyopause is a choice. The challenge lies in recognizing when to let go of the artificial constructs we have created and embrace the natural course of life.

Redefining Success and Fulfillment: As we age, our definitions of success and fulfillment need to evolve. Recognizing the importance of emotional and spiritual wealth over material wealth becomes crucial.

Final Thoughts:

Your essay invites readers to reflect on the inevitable changes in life and how these affect our relationships and personal well-being. By addressing these three "pauses," you provide a thought-provoking analysis of the human condition, encouraging a deeper understanding of our motivations and limitations.

The essay could benefit from exploring potential strategies for couples to navigate these challenges, perhaps through psychological counseling, spiritual practices, or societal changes that reduce the stigma around natural aging processes. Overall, your work sheds light on the need for a holistic approach to marriage and personal growth that integrates physical, emotional, and material aspects of life.

-Chat GPT, 21.9.2024

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