गुरुवार, २५ मे, २०१७



(1) The intellectual attachment with truth and emotional tolerance about truth conflict with each other.

(2) The learned person has to be very careful while expressing truth in ignorance of intellectual standard and emotional tolerance of other persons.

(3) The intellectual attachment with truth is found to be dangerous in hypocritical world which likes to accept truth with hypocritical sugar coating.

(4) The intellectual attachment with truth is first offence in a world where hypocrisy and corruption is accepted as worldwide phenomenon and expressing such truth with harsh words is second offence in such world. The punishment coming from such world for these two offences related to truth is severe. 

(5) In fact, nobody likes to know or experience bitter truth from heart and if it is expressed with harsh words, the bitterness of such truth increases with high speed and great force. 

(6) Newton's third law of motion says that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The law of karma (action) taught by some religious scriptures also speaks the same. So when you give bitter truth to others in its plain form i.e. with harsh words without taking care of sugar coating such bitter truth with hypocrisy, you get extreme bitterness in the form of anger from other side, in return. Newton's third law of motion or law of karma works in this fashion in relation to truth. 

(7) So learn the art of sugar coating bitter truth with hypocrisy, otherwise face the severe punishment from world not only in public life, but also in private family life. *Adv.Baliram More*

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