सोमवार, ८ मे, २०१७



1.       The development of human civilization from its primitive state to its modern state is a long journey after evolution of human species by Nature on earth planet. But why could not other animals such as lions, tigers etc. change their carnivorous psychology and why could only human species succeed in changing their psychology from orthodox-cum-criminal state of mind to modern-cum- civil state of mind are complex questions which need to be answered scientifically. The cultural transition of human civilization has its own history and own process. The transition is a process of changing from one state or condition to another. It is different from conversion. For example, conversion of water from its liquid state to gaseous state of vapour or solid state of ice cannot be compared with transition of human civilization from its primitive state to its modern state. The conversion is a fast process leading to total change, but transition is a slow process leading only to partial change and that too step by step. Surprisingly, both conversion and transition are post evolutionary things. It is debatable whether transition in human civilization is a part of evolution process of Nature.

2.       The fact remains that the human civilization is going through transition from its orthodox-cum-criminal state to its modern-cum-civil state. The modern human civilization is not completely modern. The modernization of mankind involves scientific advancement and technological development of mankind and it can be observed that this kind of modernization has been a continuous process of transition of mankind, roughly called as human civilization. On other hand, the civilization of mankind involves reformation of human-cum-social psychology of mankind from its violent-cum-criminal state to its nonviolent-cum-civil state and this kind of civilization has also been a continuous process of transition of mankind, roughly called as human civilization. The transition leading to modernization and civilization of mankind is not yet complete and hence there is continuity in this transition.

3.       The civilization of mankind is not complete and hence even so called modern human society has adopted mixed legal framework of two laws viz. criminal law and civil law for governing human society. The criminal law teaches the philosophy that animals have to be treated like animals only. Even the humans will be treated as animals if they behave like animals and not as humans. On other hand, the civil law teaches the philosophy that humans have to be treated as humans if they really prove that they have reformed their psychology from violent-cum-criminal state to nonviolent-cum-civil state by really turning themselves from animals to humans.

4.       In the course of development of human civilization, the particular environment including particular climate of particular territory occupied by human species and particular occupation adopted by such human species for earning of their livelihood in association with such territory and its environment have played important role in development of particular human-cum-social culture in relation to such particular territory and particular occupation. We can therefore find out different human-cum-social cultures developed in different territories of earth planet. The different nations of world have their different cultures. The globalization is a process of developing economic interaction between such different cultures of different nations. But fact remains that different cultures developed by mankind have not yet become one uniform culture for entire globe. Hence, different cultures of different nations have developed their own political separations and political boundaries. The different nations are sensitive about their political sovereignty because they are sensitive about preserving and protecting their particular culture. This state of affairs only proves that globalization implying inter cultural economic interaction can develop only commercial relationship between human beings all over world and not personal relationship.

5.       The logical analysis of human psychology is very important while studying and practicing law meant for governing human conduct. The human child psychology is innocent psychology because of brain immaturity and it is also monkey jump psychology because of brain ignorance.  But the Nature slowly forces change in such child psychology by step by step introduction of knowledge about truth of Nature in its advancement. This psychological input, learning and change process is slow and complex in human brains. This is the reason why we have schools and colleges as educational institutions for human beings. The other animals do not have such institutions. The Nature is their only educational institution.

6.       It can be observed that the law meant for guiding, reforming and controlling human psychology itself is undergoing development or simply it is going through transition along with transition in human-cum-social psychology of mankind. This transition is developing modern scientific outlook of looking at Nature from orthodox religious outlook of looking at Nature in human brains. It is needless to state that outlook makes lot of difference. However, the fact remains that there are miles to go before we really become modern and civil. –Adv.Baliram More

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