बुधवार, २४ मे, २०१७



(1) The influence of Nature based science on human practiced technology and influence of God based religion on human practiced sociology have proved that Nature and God are silent powers influencing human mind and human life. 

(2) It can be observed that where there is exact material property and/or instinct, there comes Nature with her science and where there is inexact spiritual emotion, there comes God with his religion. Of course, there can also be a rare religion which does not believe in existence of God.

(3) It can also be observed that material properties and/or instincts regulated by material laws are exact things of Nature, but spiritual emotions of human mind not only in relation to God but also in relation to human relations leading development of social customs, cultures etc. are inexact things of human mind.

(4) It is needless to state that inexact things like customs, cultures etc. when get mixed up with exact things like material properties and/or instincts and their material laws, they make exact things unnecessarily complex thereby converting straight and easy questions and answers into zigzag and difficult questions and answers. -Adv.Baliram More

1 टिप्पणी:



    1. The life calls for voluntary response of living things to involuntary invitation of Nature passed on through her material environment either in the form of interactive stimulation /temptation for giving economic response or reactive provocation for giving political response.

    2. The human being is ecologically advanced living matter and so Nature calls for advanced economic and/or political response from human beings to environment superior to ecologically backward living matters.

    3. If life is gain of living matters, the challenge to life is risk that goes along with said gain. “No risk, No gain” is rule of Nature. The gain of life is economic stimulation/temptation, which is conditioned by politically challenging or provocative risk in life. In short, there is no economics without politics in matter of life.

    4. Anybody who is afraid to take risk in life is declared unfit by Nature for having gain of life. If the gain of life is goal of life, taking of challenging risk in life is way towards such goal. While providing goal of life in the form of gain of life (called justice in life), the Nature also prescribes law of life governing life motion for taking challenging risk in life. The following of this prescribed law of life is condition precedent for justice in life.

    5. There are two basic rules of law of life viz. substantive rule of “No risk, No gain” as condition precedent and procedural rule of “Volenti Non Fit Injuria” (suffer injury yourself from unwanted risk voluntarily taken by you) as condition process. There cannot be justice in life without fulfilling these two basic rules or conditions of law of life.

    6. The substantive rule or condition precedent of law of life (“No risk, No gain”) prescribes “permissive norms” for risk taking life motion and procedural rule or condition process of law of life (“Volenti Non Fit Injuria”) prescribes “restrictive conditions” against risk taking life motion. The life law thus provides both guidance for and warning against taking of risk in life.

    7. The life law thus engages living things including ecologically advanced human species in life gainful employment. It is needless to state that life laws differ from ecologically backward living things to ecologically advanced living things. For example, life law prescribed by Nature for middle ecological herbivorous and carnivorous animals differs from life law prescribed by Nature for end/top ecological human species. –Adv.Baliram More

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