मंगळवार, २ मे, २०१७



(1) Lord Krishna in article 47 of chapter 2 of Geeta has given one important lesson of life viz. "karmaneyvadhikaraste, ma faleshu kadachan" which means that you have right to work, but not right to fruit from work. 

(2) According to my understanding of this article of Geeta, Lord Krishna only says that if you concentrate on fruit, you will not be able to concentrate on your work properly. For example, if you are suffering from sleep disorder just do not be after fruit of peace in rest called sleep. If you keep on working physically and/or intellectually day and night, sleep will automatically come to you without begging for sleep. Just leave that sleep part or fruit part to Nature and concentrate only on your work and result will be that fruit of sleep will automatically come to you from Nature.

(3) This lesson of Geeta is noted by my brain with simple self direction viz. stay on wicket and runs will follow in cricket or stay on work and fruit will follow in life. It also means that your target should be work and not fruit. 

(4) Herein, the karma or work impliedly means smart lawful work and not foolish unlawful work because lawful work is rewarded with pleasant fruit and unlawful work is returned with painful suffering in terms of law of motion. *Adv.Baliram More*

कोणत्याही टिप्पण्‍या नाहीत:

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