रविवार, ३ मे, २०२०

Lawyer's Mastery


Lawyer is said to be jack of all but master of none and this creates a problem for lawyer. The law is not  technology. It is only philosophy giving right direction to technology. It is often found that while lawyer masters knowledge in law and gets right direction, he does not master technology. Such position is like that of railway engine having track to run and destination to go, but not having internal machinery and fuel that can make engine run on track and move towards destination. It is therefore very much necessary for lawyer that while mastering law for knowing right direction of motion, lawyer should also concentrate on mastering technology of collecting and using materials of world.


शनिवार, २ मे, २०२०

Understanding Truth of Nature


(1) The Nature is all and all is of, by and within Nature. The Nature can be sensed through science. The science is thus consciousness of Nature. This sense/consciousness of Nature through science is meant for practice of science. The science can be practised in the form of technology and as per the mode, manner, way or direction of law. The science is thus divided in two parts viz. technology and law for its practice purpose. These two parts can be called as applied science or science in practice.

(2) The technology is application of diverse forms of matter and energy  and their diverse properties namely  physical, chemical, bio-physical, bio-chemical & bio-psychological. This application of science in the form of technology cannot be just arbitrary. It has to be as per the law which is actually the mode, manner, way or direction for technology prescribed by Nature.

(3) The law is reasoned & principled direction to technology. It can also be called as reasoned & principled philosophy or religion of Nature contained within science. The sense or knowledge of science is not complete only with technology or only with law. One is required to have knowledge of both technology and law. The knowledge of law is useless without knowledge of technology and the knowledge of technology is aimless in absence of proper direction contained within law.

(4) The science, technology and law are so vast that these three things cannot be mastered by one person. It is for this reason that there are scientists for science, engineers, doctors, artists, sportsmen etc. for technology and lawyers, judges along with businessmen, politicians etc. for law. The law is also so vast that it cannot be held together by any one person or any one group of persons and hence it is divided in three groups viz. legislature as the group of scientists of law, executive as the group of technocrats of law and judiciary as group of directors of law.

(5) The science is whole design of Nature whose movement is not possible without technology & law. But the motion of science cannot be smooth without technology and law working together as friends of each other. Even in the matter of law, motion of direction of law given by legislature cannot be smooth without executive and judiciary working together as friends of each other. One should not forget that law within science or philosophy of science called law itself is the religion of Nature.

(6) The science or design of Nature moves in the form of technology and as per the mode of law under strong force of time cycle called kalchakra. This time cycle creates cyclic ups and downs within motion  of science. These ups and downs are mythologically called the works of destiny or fate called Niyati. But actually the destiny is nobody than the Nature itself and the force of time cycle is also actually the force of Nature itself. It is pertinent to note that the Nature is permanent, its science is stable, but this stable science is not free from temporary ups and downs created by force of Nature called time cycle!


शुक्रवार, १ मे, २०२०

हरी हरी

हरी हरी!

(१) देव ही एक संकल्पना आहे, ते सत्य नाही, असे जर काही लोक म्हणत असतील तर मग ती संकल्पना आधुनिक काळातही का चालू आहे, तिच्या पासून माणसाला असे कोणते मानसिक समाधान मिळते, कोणता मानसिक आधार मिळतो याचा नीट अभ्यास करून ती संकल्पना नीट राबवायला काय हरकत आहे, याचा योग्य, विवेकी विचार झाला पाहिजे. देश ही सुध्दा एक संकल्पनाच आहे ना, मग ती आपण का व प्रत्यक्षात कशी राबवतो? त्याच पध्दतीने देव ही संकल्पना प्रत्यक्षात कशी राबवता येईल याचा नीट विचार झाला पाहिजे.

(२) आपण या जगात, समाजात विशेष कार्य करणाऱ्या महान लोकांना आपआपल्या सोयीप्रमाणे ज्याप्रमाणे विविध जातीधर्मात, समूहात वाटून घेऊन त्यांची विभागणी केली आहे, त्याचप्रमाणे आपण एकाच परमेश्वराची विविध धर्मात, अनेक देवीदेवतांत विभागणी केली आहे. ती विभागणी नष्ट करून देवाला एकसंध करण्यासाठी आपण देव संकल्पनेकडे वेगळ्या स्वरूपात पाहिले पाहिजे. संपूर्ण विश्वाचा निर्माता व नियंता असलेल्या एकमेव परमेश्वराला एकटे राहण्याचा कंटाळा आला म्हणून त्याने स्वतःला अनेक गुणरूपांत निर्मिले (वैज्ञानिक संदर्भः विश्व निर्मितीचा महास्फोटाचा सिद्धांत अर्थात बिग बँग थिअरी) व त्या अनेक रूपांना स्वतःचेच प्रतिस्पर्धी बनवून विश्वाचा एक वेगळाच खेळ मांडला. अशी जर आपण कल्पना केली तर देव ही संकल्पना सहज, सोपी होऊन जाईल.

(३) तो एकमेव परमेश्वर किंवा देव त्याच्या अनेक रूपांना त्यांच्या मूळ ईश्वर स्वरूपाची जाणीव होऊ देत नाही आणि म्हणून ही अनेक रूपे देवाच्या या अजब खेळात स्वतःला स्वतंत्र समजून अखंडपणे खेळ खेळू लागतात, असे समजू या! पण मनुष्याला मोठी बुद्धी आहे, मोठी जाणीव आहे म्हणून तो देव संकल्पनेला अगदी सहजपणे सोडून देत नाही. आपण व देव या दोन वेगळ्या गोष्टी नसून एकच आहेत असा जेंव्हा मनुष्याला साक्षात्कार होतो तेंव्हा  मनाचा गोंधळ संपतो व मग निसर्गाचे विज्ञान व देवाचा धर्म या दोन गोष्टी एक होऊन जातात. मग नैसर्गिक गोष्टी त्यांच्या सत्य स्वरूपात म्हणजे वैज्ञानिक पध्दतीने पार पाडताना सुध्दा ती देवाचीच लीला म्हणून साक्षात्कारी माणूस त्या गोष्टी सहजपणे पार पाडतो.

(४) अशावेळी नैसर्गिक काय व दैवी काय यात फरक राहत नाही. मग अनेक देवीदेवतांच्या प्रतिमा डोळ्यांसमोर आणून त्यांची विविध नावे घेत त्यांना विविध नमस्कार करीत त्यांच्यापुढे विविध प्रार्थना करण्याची सवय हळूहळू सुटते व शेवटी असे कर्मकांड निरर्थक आहे याचा सुध्दा साक्षात्कार होतो. त्यानंतर दिवसाच्या ठराविक वेळीच देवाला नमस्कार करण्याची व वर्षाच्या ठराविक सणीच विविध देवी देवतांची विशिष्ट प्रकारे आराधना करण्याची कर्मकांडे संपून जळी तळी पाषाणी सदासर्वकाळ एकच देव दिसू लागतो व मग माणूस निसर्गाचे कोणतेही काम वैज्ञानिक पद्धतीने करताना सुध्दा ते त्या एकमेव देवाचेच काम आहे असे समजून देवाला फक्त "हरी, हरी" एवढेच म्हणून ते काम पार पाडतो. ते काम करताना कसलेही धार्मिक कर्मकांड नसते की कसलीही प्रार्थना नसते किंवा काही विशेष चमत्कार व्हावा अशी कोणतीही अपेक्षा नसते. फक्त "हरी, हरी" म्हणायचे बस्स!


गुरुवार, ३० एप्रिल, २०२०

Nothing is changed


Let me take stock of my own self! I find that even at my old age of 63 (which I will complete on 27th June 2020 and will enter in the 64th year of my life) I carry same enthusiasm for learning which I carried in my school and college days. Only basic  difference in the learning process is that I paid my money in the form of school and college fee to said basic  educational institutions with my open challenge to said institutions to test my knowledge by examining me through rigorous periodic tests. This was my big challenge to said educational institutions to test my knowledge at my own learning and monetary cost. But even after hard proving of my knowledge through   passing of said school and college examinations I could not become star of said knowledge because I could not pay big admission fee to big industrial units and their big lords with my open challenge to them to test not only my knowledge but also my intellectual ability to work on said knowledge at my own cost. This was definitely due to my poor economic background. This marketing failure was fatal as I could not get big opportunity to prove my knowledge and my ability from big groups. In other words, I could not get admission in big institutions of practice. I was not examined at all by these big lords. How could then they explore my knowledge and ability? This forced me to struggle hard only with small institutions of practice with very limited scope to expand. My dream to become star of my knowledge  thus got spoiled. But this failure to become star of my own knowledge could not and cannot stop me from further learning as student forever. My enthusiasm cannot be killed by  anybody. I have now developed a very strange habit of imagining myself as a very sincere and hard working student sitting in school and college class rooms with same enthusiasm for learning of those old days of my childhood and young age. Only big difference is that of my old age and of fact that there are no big examiners capable of examining my knowledge and ability properly. This odd situation has forced me to engage in the process of self learning and self examining myself without big earning of economic wealth and celebrity status of star from any big  source. But I am not disappointed and tired. I am still enthusiastic and hopeful!


Wild politics


The competition for survival is wild between lower ecological living species such as herbivorous and carnivorous animals based on killing instinct. The top ecological human species have been evolved from said lower ecological living species (Ref. Darwin's theory of evolution) and hence human beings also carry killing instinct. It can be observed that competition for life survival is everywhere within living world and the human world is no exception to this rule of Nature. But in the process of evolution, the human brain seems to have turned  civilized from wild and accordingly inter human life competition has become civilized competition. We find that the competition in diverse fields such as art, sport, medical, engineering, legal, business etc. is mostly civil. The exception to this is often found in political competition. The competition in dictatorial form of government is wildly suppressed by dictatorship of weapon power. The democratic government is civil in principle, but it is found to be wildly criminal in practice. This can be confirmed from fact that followers of opposite political parties often use abusive words against each other which word war ultimately turn violent. This proves that human beings have not become civilized in true sense. The co-existence of criminal law along with civil law is proof enough to prove this fact. The politics is actually not the field for straightforward civil people.


Basis of Social Law


The different human heads carrying partial knowledge about the whole truth of Nature and reason of self interest can create havoc within human society if their movements are not economically regulated and politically controlled by collective conscience of human community called social conscience containing collective knowledge about truth of Nature scattered into pieces and reason of community interest. This is the basis of social law.


बुधवार, २९ एप्रिल, २०२०

Adapt to change


Nature is changing while evolving and in process ordering its things evolved to adapt to its changing truth. Man progressed by adapting to changes enforced by Nature. This progress means progress in science and technology related to changing truth of Nature. Those who fail to adapt to the changes brought by Nature in its truth suffer and do not survive within Nature. The orthodox religious thinking obstructs human adaptation to the changes in truth of Nature. Such orthodox religion thus becomes an enemy of science and also enemy of Nature. The disobedience of order of Nature for adaptation to its changes means provoking Nature and calling for suffering from Nature!


Intelligence is the ability to adapt to changes! -Stephen Hawking