शुक्रवार, १४ एप्रिल, २०१७



(1) Your attitude towards people must always be positive and your response towards people must also be always  positive even if people irritate you with their selfish attitude and selfish action. 

(2) You should not get angry with people even if you feel injured by wrong action committed by them against you. You must show high degree of tolerance at nuisance caused by people against you. No, no! You are wrong in calling such nuisance as nuisance. You feel it as nuisance because your mind is negative. You must always remain positive in all facts and circumstances, good or bad, for getting positive results. You must be positively result oriented.

(3) Your response to action thrown at you by other is mainly examined by people in judging you and not action which stimulated or provoked you to give response. The offence of first offender is likely to be ignored by people if your self defensive response is disproportionate to said offence. 

(4) The life is not so easy to live with selfish and hypocritical people. No, no! This comment is again a sign of negative mind. 

(5) In this background, the wisdom lies in choosing between two opposite advices of two Lords viz. Lord Krishna's advice of tit for tat even if it is of violent nature as given to Arjuna and Lord Buddha's advice of being always non-violent. But before choosing between any one advice, just analyse the situation in which you are placed because Lord Krishna's advice for self defensive violence is based on situation of Lord Krishna and Arjuna having not sacrificed kingship and not renounced material world and Lord Buddha's advice for non-violence always is based on situation of Lord Buddha having sacrificed his kingship and also having  renounced material world as sanyasi. *Adv.Baliram More*

*निसर्गाशी मैत्री, देवाशी मैत्री*!

*निसर्गाशी मैत्री, देवाशी मैत्री*!

(१) समाजाने मला तसे भरपूर दिले. नाही असे नाही. मला शिक्षणाची संधी दिली. थोडा का असेना पण जगण्यासाठी आवश्यक तेवढा आर्थिक आधार दिला. साधारण का असेना पण मानसन्मान दिला. एकदम फेकून दिले नाही. पण मी पण शिक्षणाच्या संधीचे सोने केले. स्वकष्टाने भरभरून ज्ञान मिळविले आणि त्या ज्ञानाच्या जोरावर समाजाच्या उपकाराची भरपूर परतफेड केली. आता समाजाला ती परतफेड दिसत नसेल तर त्याला मी तरी काय करणार?

(२) पण आता स्वार्थी माणसांबरोबर स्वतःचे पांडित्य गाजवित स्वार्थी व्यवहारांचा खेळ खेळण्याचा खूप कंटाळा आला. मनुष्य किती ढोंगी आणि किती स्वार्थी असू शकतो याचे सखोल ज्ञान वकिली व्यवसायातून मिळाले. त्यामुळे या महान व्यवसायाचे आभार मानावे तितके थोडेच! आता पुन्हा  पुन्हा त्याच त्याच स्वार्थी व्यवहारांची उजळणी करीत रटाळ जीवन जगण्याचा खूप कंटाळा आला. 

(३) निसर्गाने माणसाचा खेळ केलेला नाही, तर माणसानेच निसर्गाचा खूप खेळ केला आहे. कोणत्याही तिर्थक्षेत्री असलेल्या देवालयात जाऊन तिथल्या देवाचे नीट दर्शन घेण्याचा प्रयत्न करावा तर माणसांच्या गर्दीमुळे मेंढरासारखे बाजूला करून फेकले जाते. माणसांनी देवालयांचे कोंडवाडे केले आहेत. मुक्त देवाला तिथे बंदिस्त करून टाकले आहे. इतके बंदिस्त की, देवाला माणसांपासूनच भीती निर्माण होऊन त्याच्या रक्षणासाठी माणसांचीच सुरक्षा व्यवस्था पुरवावी लागतेय. मग अशा ठिकाणी आध्यात्मिक ध्यान व शांती कशी लाभणार?

(४) आता पटलेय की, देवाचे वास्तव्य निसर्गात मुक्त आहे. त्याला कुठेच बंदिस्त करून ठेवता येणार नाही. त्यामुळे त्या मुक्त देवाबरोबर मुक्त निसर्गात मिसळून जाण्याची ओढ लागलीय. 

(५) आता वाटतेय की, मरण्यापूर्वी निदान थोडे दिवस तरी निसर्गात मुक्त फिरावे. रात्री आकाशातील चांदण्याच्या सौंदर्याचे दर्शन घेत शांत झोपी जावे. दिवसा हिरव्यागार झाडाच्या सावलीत पक्षांची किलबिल ऐकत बसावे. जमलेच तर स्वच्छ नदीच्या स्वच्छ पाण्यात जाऊन मुक्त अंघोळ करावी. तसे आणखी खूप काही  करावेसे वाटतेय. उंच डोंगर चढून  जाऊन डोंगर माथ्यावर शांत बसावे. पण पायांत आता तशी ताकद राहिली नाही. असेही वाटते की, समुद्राच्या लाटांवर आरूढ होऊन खालीवर झोके घ्यावे. पण साधे विहिरीत, नदीत पोहता येत नाही आणि समुद्राच्या  लाटांवर काय आरूढ होणार? पण जमेल तेवढे निसर्गाशी समरस होत निसर्गाशी अर्थात देवाशीच मी गुपचूप संवाद साधणार आहे आणि निसर्गाशी अर्थात देवाशीच मैत्री करणार आहे. कोणाला खरे वाटो किंवा खोटे वाटो! *एड.बळीराम मोरे*



(1) Can herbivorous animals be called as civil minded species just because they live by eating vegetarian food and carnivorous animals be called as criminal minded species just because they live by eating non vegetarian food? 

(2) How can Nature or God be called as kind almighty power when we see that life of civil minded weaker herbivorous animals is put by Nature or God at the cruel mercy of  criminal minded stronger  carnivorous animals? What about human species then? Are human species uniformly civil or uniformly criminal or uniformly of mixed character? 

(3) In the light of this background, the so called common law of Nature alleged to be containing principle of uniformity in diversity is really confusing to already stressed human brains. Our foolishness, our hypocrisy, our corruption, our greed, our ego, our aggressive dominance and our bloody violence  are all the products of this confusion.

(4) The Nature or God is really wonderful in creating this confusion. Let us search our love, kindness, compassion and all our spiritual goods in their uniform and equal distribution within wonders of Nature. *Adv.Baliram More*

*निसर्गाय, ईश्वराय नमः! ओम् शांती*!

*निसर्गाय, ईश्वराय नमः! ओम् शांती*!

(१) नैसर्गिक सत्याला भौतिक स्वरूपात पहायचे की आध्यात्मिक स्वरूपात पहायचे, हा मनुष्याने स्वतःच निर्माण केलेला संभ्रम आहे. त्या संभ्रमातून भौतिकतेचे प्रतिनिधीत्व करीत असलेला  निसर्ग व आध्यात्मिकतेचे प्रतिनिधीत्व करीत असलेला देव अशा दोन वेगळ्या महाशक्तींचा गोंधळ मनात तयार होतो आणि त्या मानसिक गोंधळातूनच निसर्गाचे विज्ञान विरूध्द देवाचा धर्म असा संघर्ष निर्माण होते.

(२) वास्तविक मनुष्याकडे पहाण्यासाठी दोन डोळे व ऐकण्यासाठी दोन कान ही वेगवेगळी संपर्क साधने जवळ असली तरी शेवटी त्यांचा संपर्क मेंदूतील एकाच मनाशी होतो. लहान मेंदू व मोठा मेंदू हे मेंदूचे दोन भाग असले तरी दोन्ही भागांचे मिळून एकच मन होते. लोकांची शरीरे सुध्दा वेगळी असली तरी त्यांची मने अशीच एक होतील का? वेगळ्या मनांमुळे निर्माण झालेले नवरा बायकोतील निरर्थक वाद संपून कौटुंबिक हिंसाचार नष्ट होईल का? असे ना ना कायद्याचे प्रश्न मनात तयार होतात.

(३) माझ्या मते, अगदी तशाच प्रश्नांच्या अनुषंगाने निसर्ग व देवाला एकत्र करण्यात काय हरकत आहे? त्यामुळे विज्ञान व धर्म यांच्यातील संघर्ष कायमचा संपुष्टात येईल. मी निसर्ग व देव यांना एकच मानून माझ्यापुरता तरी हा लहानपणापासून सतावणारा प्रश्न वैयक्तिक पातळीवर सोडवला आहे. माझी त्या महान शक्तीपुढील प्रार्थना मी स्वतःच सोपी करून टाकली आहे. निसर्गाय, ईश्वराय नमः! ओम् शांती! *एड.बळीराम मोरे*



(1) You can read only your own mind and not minds of others. In fact, this is very nice arrangement of Nature. This arrangement permits you to keep secrets of your mind within yourself and also permits you to imagine anything that may not be liked by others.

(2) Who cares for your inner spiritual purity? Your outer physical appearance and action is only important to world. So imagine whatever you feel to be right and joyful within your mind. Nobody can break that secrecy to outside world except you. Your mental secrecy is intact under lock and key of Nature. The Nature is your best friend for this.

(3) The laws that govern world including you go by actual proof and justice in terms of such laws goes by actual appearance of justice.

(4) Except few who are same from inside and outside, almost all other people are hypocrites. This is because nobody tells actual truth of one's own mind. For example, a married person can enjoy adultery in mind but can keep it as closely guarded secret till last end showing himself or herself as 100% faithful spouse to his or her matrimonial partner and thus marriage can proceed and succeed with mutual love and trust and also can last long till last breath of both or anyone of such partners. This is because such mental secrecy is well protected by Nature and Right to Information Act can do nothing to break this secrecy.

(5) The Nature is really wonderful in creating this wonderful arrangement of mental secrecy and power of imagination. Let us enjoy this wonder of Nature permitting you to be hypocritical in life. After all, justice should appear to have been done in terms of laws of Nature. One who learns this art of living as hypocrite in hypocritical world lives happy and peaceful in such world. *Adv.Baliram More*
*In any relationship trust is a must, or everything just rusts to dust. Have a trustful relationship*. -Unknown


(1) Love and trust should go together. But love and trust have to be read with "mutual self" and not with  "individual self". 

(2) It is this "mutual self" which is very challenging since it involves complex process of "individual self" and "individual ego" working together towards mutual satisfaction of individual self and individual ego for giving output of mutual love and trust.

(3) If world demands love and trust from you as your duty, you have right to demand same from world. Love and trust can never be one sided. They are always mutual. The world includes your own people whom you are treating as your own in capacity of they being your close relatives and friends.

(4) It can really become a horrible experience for you when world insists on putting you in test box for testing your love and trust for world after sharing with you its hatred and mistrust.

(5) When you test your  own love and trust for others including your close relatives and friends, you can find that love and trust are very costly things of life for you because you are very poor in buying them or very weak in earning them. If you are not facing this problem in your life, you are the richest and strongest person/s of world.

(6) Long time healthy, joyful and peaceful relationship with mutual love and trust can remain a dream for many in mixed world. Wonderfully, world does not want to change, but wants only you to change! World wants to remain mixed, but wants you to be pure! When you have to prove your purity in the midst of impurity around you, you test it better. You can remain unmarried, but you cannot remain independent from world and that is where whole problem lies. *Adv.Baliram More*



(1) The human psychology is a complex phenomenon because human psychological balance is not always stable. In fact, psychological imbalance of human mind is also found to be one of the causes of crime by forensic science. 

(2) The mental imbalance provokes human mind to give irrational response to any demanding fact or situation. Surprisingly, Nature expects stable practice of natural law by unstable human mind without physical presence of Nature to give actual direction to human mind in such practice. 

(3) The practice of natural law by human mind without actual physical presence of Nature is very difficult. *Adv.Baliram More*