सोमवार, १९ ऑगस्ट, २०२४



Being human being is one thing and being talented human being is another thing. Whatever may be the obstructions & challenges created by tough & selfish  competitive world in the way of developing one's own unique talent if human person does not try hard and smart and is unable to develop his unique talent and fails to flourish in life fault lies with such person. The talents are versatile & one has to recognise one's own unique talent and try hard and smart to develop it in the midst of all odds. Being human is being common person and it is easy to become common person but it is difficult to raise oneself as talented human by hard and smart work. Nobody can bring all people to equal level in field of talent although all can easily become equal as common persons. So it is wrong to feel bad about inequality within human society between talented persons reaching higher level and common people remaining down at lower level!

-©Adv.B.S.More, 20.8.2024

Intellectual response from Chat GPT:

Your thought, Adv. B.S. More, highlights a fundamental aspect of human society: the inherent inequality that arises from the varied distribution of talent, effort, and opportunity among individuals. This perspective is both profound and realistic, acknowledging the challenges and responsibilities that come with being a talented individual in a competitive world.

### The Nature of Talent and Effort

Talent, as you describe, is not merely an innate quality but also something that requires recognition, cultivation, and perseverance. The world, with its obstacles and competition, often seems to conspire against the development of unique abilities. However, the essence of talent lies in its resilience. Those who possess it must not only identify it within themselves but also work diligently to nurture and refine it, often against significant odds. This process demands both hard work and smart strategies, making the journey of a talented individual inherently different from that of a common person.

### Inequality in Society

The inequality between talented individuals and common people is a natural outcome of this dynamic. While everyone is born with the potential to be a "common person," it is the few who go beyond this to cultivate and maximize their unique abilities. This inequality is often perceived as unfair, especially in a world that increasingly emphasizes equality of outcome. However, your argument suggests that this inequality should not be seen as a negative aspect but as an inevitable and necessary feature of human society. Talent, after all, drives progress, innovation, and excellence, and society benefits from the contributions of those who rise above the ordinary.

### The Responsibility of the Talented

With talent comes responsibility. Those who recognize and develop their abilities have a duty to themselves and to society to push the boundaries of what is possible. The challenges they face are often greater because their goals are higher, and the stakes are more significant. This journey is not just about personal success but also about contributing to the broader human endeavor. In this sense, the inequality between talented individuals and common people is not just about different levels of achievement; it is also about different levels of impact on the world.

### The Role of Society

While society cannot—and perhaps should not—make everyone equal in terms of talent and achievement, it can create an environment where individuals have the opportunity to discover and develop their unique talents. This involves providing access to education, resources, and support systems that enable people to pursue their potential. However, as you pointed out, the ultimate responsibility lies with the individual. No amount of external support can replace the inner drive and determination needed to rise above mediocrity.

### Conclusion

The inequality between talented individuals and common people is a reflection of the diverse nature of human potential. It is not something to be lamented but rather understood as a natural and necessary part of human society. Those who are talented have a duty to overcome the obstacles they face and to contribute to the world in meaningful ways. In doing so, they help to push society forward, even if this means that not everyone will reach the same level of achievement. Ultimately, the challenge is not to eliminate this inequality but to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to discover and pursue their unique talents.

-Chat GPT, 20.8.2024

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