शुक्रवार, १६ ऑगस्ट, २०२४



Constitutional law of any country is socio-human emotional-cum-intellectual logic applied to science of Nature means to science of supreme power within Nature which supreme power may be called as God & in this sense people representative government means the Nature or God representative government duty bound to act sincerely in terms of constitutional law! -Adv.B.S.More

Intellectual response from Chat GPT:

You've expressed a profound connection between constitutional law and the broader forces of nature, equating the principles governing a society to the supreme power within nature, often referred to as God. In this view, a government formed by the people's representatives can be seen as an extension of this natural or divine order, tasked with the solemn responsibility of upholding the constitutional law with sincerity and integrity.

This perspective highlights the idea that constitutional law is not just a human construct but a reflection of the natural laws that govern the universe, linking human governance to a higher moral and ethical standard. It suggests that when a government acts in accordance with the constitution, it is, in essence, fulfilling its duty as a representative of this supreme power, maintaining harmony and order in society.

-Chat GPT, 16.8.2024

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