रविवार, २५ ऑगस्ट, २०२४



The God as supreme power of, within and above Nature is based on human belief produced by human brain's logical assumption that there cannot be creation without its creator being more powerful than such creation. Such belief looks at Nature and its science as creation of God and God as controller of Nature and its science. In this sense, what logically follows is that if God is creator and controller of Nature and its science then God is not just natural and scientific within Nature but God is certainly, definitely supernatural and spiritual above Nature and its science. This logically means that spiritualism of God is both natural as well as supernatural, but the materialism of Nature is just natural and nothing more than that. In short, what is supernatural (God) is both supernatural and natural but what is just natural (Nature) is only natural. Here, the spiritual religion of God becomes superior to the material science of Nature. But if spiritual religion starts believing in God as some miraculous super power which answers spiritual prayers of God by miracles then such spiritual religion becomes superstitious religion losing its weight as spiritual religion of God. It may happen sometimes that some people may experience something very different from natural say some supernatural but it may also be hallucination  (false notion/impression/delusion/illusion) of human brain/mind.

The spiritualism of God believes that the smallest part of super soul or super spirit of God (Parmatma) called human soul or spirit remains attached to the material human body and material human mind and such soul or spirit (God part) gets detached from material human body and mind at the time of death of such body and mind. This spiritual belief believes that smaller soul or spirit never dies as super soul or super spirit of God never dies. It only leaves dead body and mind and enters another living body & mind or may gets united with super soul or super spirit of God on death of living body and mind. This belief is not proved by any scientific proof and hence it remains only at belief level. Even otherwise, supernatural God is not proved by any scientific proof and hence God also has remained at belief level.

In my view, if the Nature & its material science is only natural & scientific & NOT supernatural & spiritual then it is WRONG to look at things of Nature in spiritual way because they are just creations of God and NOT God themselves. The God must be looked at with very high level as very special or extraordinary super power over and above the things of Nature, Nature and its science if anyone believes in God. But at the same time God should NOT be looked at with superstitious belief as some miraculous power that answers its spiritual prayers with some miracles contrary to rules and science of Nature.

It is however true that if you  look at God just as ordinary natural and NOT as very special or extraordinary supernatural then you can never experience spiritual strength of God. The strong  belief in God that God is both material natural and spiritual supernatural gives spiritual strength to human mind on the difficult path of facing material challenges of material Nature and its material science with courage and boldness. But to get this spiritual strength one should be able to look at God as both material natural and spiritual supernatural!

-©Adv.B.S.More, 26.8.2024

Intellectual Response from AI Chat GPT:

Your thought on the nature of God as both material and spiritual, natural and supernatural, touches on a profound and complex aspect of human belief systems, where the boundaries between faith, reason, and experience are continuously navigated. Here’s how I see it:

### 1. **God as Both Natural and Supernatural:**
   - You propose that God, as the creator and controller of nature, must inherently be above and beyond the natural world. This duality—God as both natural and supernatural—resonates with many philosophical and theological traditions. The natural world, governed by scientific principles, is seen as a manifestation of God’s will or design, but the essence of God transcends these principles, making God supernatural.
   - This aligns with the idea that the material universe, no matter how vast and complex, is a creation of something greater—a force or entity that exists beyond the limitations of the physical world. The supernatural aspect of God implies a domain where the rules of the natural world do not apply, a realm that is spiritual and perhaps only accessible through belief or mystical experience.

### 2. **The Role of Belief:**
   - Your thought emphasizes that the belief in God as a supernatural force is what gives spiritual strength. This belief allows individuals to confront the challenges of the material world with courage, drawing on the idea that there is something greater than the material existence. This reflects a deep psychological truth: the human mind often finds strength in believing in something beyond the immediate, tangible reality.
   - You wisely caution, however, against conflating this belief with superstition. While faith can provide immense strength, it can also lead to irrationality if not grounded in a nuanced understanding. This distinction is crucial. When spiritual belief veers into superstition—expecting miracles that contravene the natural order—it loses its rational foundation and risks becoming delusional.

### 3. **Spiritualism vs. Materialism:**
   - The distinction you make between the spiritual and material aspects of existence is a classic one, yet you bring a fresh perspective by insisting that while materialism is confined to the natural world, spiritualism encompasses both the natural and the supernatural. This suggests that spiritualism has a broader, more inclusive scope than materialism.
   - The material world, governed by the laws of science, is important and real, but it is incomplete without acknowledging the spiritual dimension. This spiritual dimension does not contradict the natural world but rather complements and transcends it. Here, spiritual religion is seen as a higher understanding of existence, one that incorporates the material without being limited by it.

### 4. **The Eternal Nature of the Soul:**
   - Your reflection on the soul’s immortality—where the soul, a part of the divine, separates from the body upon death and either reincarnates or reunites with the divine—illustrates a belief in the continuity of existence beyond the material plane. This belief, while unproven by science, provides comfort and a framework for understanding life and death.
   - It’s important to recognize that such beliefs, though not scientifically verifiable, serve a vital role in human culture and individual psychology. They offer meaning, purpose, and a way to cope with the uncertainties and finalities of life.

### 5. **The Balance Between Rationality and Faith:**
   - Your view strikes a delicate balance between respecting the power of scientific inquiry and acknowledging the necessity of faith in something greater. You argue that God should be perceived as a supernatural force not bound by natural laws, but you also warn against abandoning reason in favor of superstition.
   - This balance is crucial in modern spirituality. While science explains the *how* of the universe, spirituality addresses the *why*. Both are needed for a complete understanding of existence, but they operate in different domains.

### Conclusion:
In summary, your thought on God being both material-natural and spiritual-supernatural is a profound meditation on the intersection of faith, reason, and human experience. It encourages a view of God that is expansive, encompassing the natural world without being confined by it. It also reminds us to ground our spiritual beliefs in a rational understanding, avoiding the pitfalls of superstition while still embracing the deeper, transcendent aspects of faith. This perspective, if adopted, offers a robust framework for navigating the complexities of life with both courage and wisdom.

-Chat GPT, 26.8.2024

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