शुक्रवार, १७ जुलै, २०२०



The Nature is giant material mass having its energy and system that governs such mass and energy. We human beings are only small part of such mass and energy. How did such Nature having mass, energy &  system came into existence is a big question that goes on challenging  human mind. This question created two classes of human beings within  society viz. theists who believe in existence of God and atheists who do not believe in existence of God. The theists believe that God created  Nature containing material mass, energy and system. How could the Nature come into existence without  its creator is a logical question that supports the belief of theists. The atheists do not have such question. They see Nature only as Nature  without God within it. But what truly  attracts me is the system of Nature governing total material mass and total energy within Nature. One can observe that the system of Nature is such that it has its own force (most powerful energy) of law that is independent and which strongly supports the said system. The system of Nature backed by said independent force of law appears to be perfect in its own way. This is because it has its own automatic check and balance mechanism. The solar system having sun at the centre and other planets including earth revolving around sun has perfect system of its own. Even the ecological system that is evolved on earth has perfection of its own. For example, air motion, water cycle, food chain, life cycle etc. which are parts of such ecological system evolved on earth move in order means in disciplined way in terms of law i.e.system of Nature. The food, whether vegetarian or non-vegetarian, that man eats gives him proteins and vitamins which  support the human body's life preservation and life protection (immune) system. The immune system creates antibodies to fight against foreign enemies such as germs and viruses who dare to destroy economic and political system of body. Both economic and political systems of human body support and check and balance each other. Even the social system developed by human society is founded on the  basic system of Nature. The social system also has two branches viz. economics and politics. They are inter connected and they support and check and balance each other. The industrial and business (economic) masters and political masters work together and support and check and balance each other. The social government is an artificial political authority created by human society for the purpose of encouraging its own economic activism and also for exercising political cotrol over such activism. The democratic social government contains the people elected representatives and people selected government servants for civil and criminal law execution  along with an independent judiciary. The elected representatives and selected servants support and also check and balance each other. They are again checked and balanced by an independent judiciary. All this goes on so systematically that one can see it as the wonder of Nature. Some lapses, injustices do take place within system, but they are checked & balanced automatically by system itself. If the system of Nature is working automatically, then what is the role of God within Nature and such system? I feel that God is just resting within Nature & its system and he comes live with his special action within system of Nature through his messengers or incarnations only in the event of some serious failure or breakdown within system of Nature. In my view,  system of Nature itself is religion (dharma) of God within Nature. This religion is a wonderful experience of Nature for which I always salute God resting within Nature and its system!


गुरुवार, १६ जुलै, २०२०



(1) The physical economy appears to have been lowered in grade by digital economy by shifting from physical movement of things to online movement of things. This is like soft mind taking over hard body by moving high in the sky by saying good bye to hard body with no plan of returning to earth. It is death of not only body on earth but also the death of mind in sky because mind cannot be separated from body.

(2) The online companies insisting on online business are flourishing and traditional companies running business by physical movement of things from physical stock of things stored at some place of storage are crying for their survival. How long it can go on? It is nothing but illusion because it is universal truth that no soft mind can exist without hard body.

(3) The present covid-19 epidemic has forced people to stay at home and work online. But what can be actually moved online? Can you move physical goods or physical services online? The people cannot be kept in dark room by digital or online masters.

(4) What is corona? It is virus with its physical existence. The physics of corona has restricted physical  movement of people. The corona physics attacking human physics just to stop human physics from moving and for what? what is the result? The online companies are flourishing over world! This change is surprising. It does not seem to be natural. Oh, it is really wonderful to see this world having online mind, offline body!


माहितीचा फवारा!

माहितीचा फवारा उडवत पृथ्वी गरगर फिरली आणि पृथ्वीवरील माणसांची डोकी फिरली! -ॲड.बी.एस.मोरे

Knowledge without developing skill or theory without practice is like knowing science without applying technology or simply learning without earning! -Adv.B.S.More

Digital technology can transfer knowledge or money online, but online transfer of technical skill in knowledge or commercial skill in earning money difficult! -Adv.B.S.More

चिंध्या चिवडणारा माणूस!

चिंध्या चिवडणारा माणूस!

(१) माणूस बुद्धीमान आहे म्हणून तो त्याच्या बुद्धीने विश्वात विखुरलेल्या अनेक गोष्टींना चिवडत व त्या गोष्टींतील विविधता चोखत बसतो. विज्ञान, धर्म, तत्वज्ञान हे झाले मूलभूत चिवडणे आणि मग त्यावर आधारित तंत्रज्ञान, कला, क्रीडा,अर्थकारण, राजकारण व कायदा हे झाले चोखणे. या बौद्धिक उचापती करीत असताना माणूस शारीरिक धावपळही करीत असतो. या सर्व चिवडाचिवडीतून तो काय मिळवतो तर मिळकत म्हणजे स्थावर व जंगम मालमत्ता. मी माझ्या बुद्धीने आयुष्यभर अशाच चिंध्या चिवडत बसलो आणि शेवटी मिळकत काय मिळविली तर मुंबईपासून लांब असलेल्या डोंबिवलीत ५५० चौ. फूटाची एक वन बीएचके सदनिका आणि तीही एका जुन्या इमारतीत.

(२) माणसाची मिळकत स्थावर असो की जंगम त्या मिळकतीवरील माणसाची मालकी कोण ठरवणार तर माणसांनीच बनवलेले सरकार! बरं, मिळकत म्हणजे नुसती स्थावर व जंगम मालमत्ताच नसते तर त्यात माणसाचे शरीर व त्याचे मनही येते. माणसाच्या शरीरावर होणारे अत्याचार व बलात्कार व मनाचा होणारा छळ या गोष्टींपासून सुरक्षितता कोण देणार तर तेच सरकार जे माणसांनीच बनवलेले असते.

(३) निसर्गातील देव माणसाचे संरक्षण करतो की माणसाला जगण्याची प्रेरणा व लढण्याची शक्ती देऊन माणसालाच लढत जग म्हणतो? यासाठीच तर माणसांनी माणसांसाठी स्वतःचे स्वतंत्र सरकार बनवलेय ना! निसर्गातील देव दिसत नाही म्हणून मग हे आपलेच दिसणारे सरकार असाच काहीसा प्रकार! पण हे सरकार व या सरकारचे कायदे असतानाही माणसाची नैसर्गिक साधनसंपत्तीवरील मालकी व त्याचे शरीर व मन सुरक्षित आहे का? तसे असते तर मालमत्तेच्या सीमावादावरून खून पडले नसते, शरीरावर अत्याचार, बलात्कार झाले नसते व मानवी मनाचा छळ झाला नसता. या गोष्टी तर चालूच आहेत.

(४) कारण या सरकारमध्ये शेवटी कोण आहेत तर माणसेच जी त्यांचा मूळ स्वार्थ, ढोंगीपणा, बावळटपणा, हिंसकपणा सोडत नाहीत. या मूळ मानवी स्वभावामुळे माणसांचे सरकार हे आतून पोखरलेले व अंतर्गत विश्वास, ताळमेळ नसलेले असते. ते माणसांना देऊन देऊन किती संरक्षण देणार? या सरकारने कितीही चांगले कायदे केले तरी सरकारमध्ये ताळमेळ नसेल तर या कायद्यांचा माणसांवर  वचक, धाक रहात नाही.

(५) निसर्गाचे विज्ञान त्यातील विविध पदार्थ व मूलभूत व्यवस्थेसह माणसाला नीट कळलेय का? तसे असते तर मग या विज्ञानाच्या बरोबर धर्म व तत्वज्ञान या गोष्टींची माणसाला गरज का भासते? त्यात तरी एकवाक्यता आहे का? तशी असती तर समाजात धार्मिक व तात्त्विक वादच निर्माण झाले नसते. खरं तर, निसर्गात असते वेगळेच आणि माणसे माणसांना दाखवतात भलतेच! असे भलतेच दाखवून अशा खोट्या गोष्टींवर समाजात निरर्थक चर्चा, वादविवाद व हाणामाऱ्या घडवून आणण्यात काही लोकांचा दुष्ट हेतू असतो. अशी दुष्ट माणसे सरकार मध्ये असतील तर मग सरकार नावाच्या व्यवस्थेला कीड लागली म्हणूनच समजा!

(६) मला एवढेच म्हणायचे आहे की, खरंच निसर्गातील नैसर्गिक गोष्टी एवढ्या अवघड, गुंतागुंतीच्या आहेत का? की त्या माणसानेच त्याच्या स्वार्थापोटी खूप अवघड, गुंतागुंतीच्या करून टाकल्यात? माणसाला सरळसाधे, सोपे जीवन जगता येत नाही का? विज्ञान, धर्म, तत्वज्ञान, तंत्रज्ञान, कला, क्रीडा, अर्थकारण, राजकारण व कायदा या गोष्टी चिवडून नव्हे तर त्यांचा अक्षरशः बौद्धिक कीस पाडून शेवटी मी काय मिळवले तर ५५० चौ. फूटाची एक जुनी वन बीएचके सदनिका! यासाठीच का मी केला एवढा मोठा अट्टाहास?

(७) माझे सोडा, पण शेवटी ज्यांनी भरपूर पैसा, संपत्ती, सत्ता या गोष्टी मिळविल्यात त्यांच्या हातात तरी शेवटी काय राहणार आहे? या सर्व गोष्टींच्या मागे आयुष्यभर धावताना सरळसाधे जीवन जगण्यात जो आनंद आहे, जी शांती आहे ती त्यांनी गमावलीय का? भरपूर बौद्धिक कसरत करून मी मिळवलेले भरपूर ज्ञान काय किंवा सत्ता, संपत्तीच्या मागे धावून भरमसाट प्रमाणात मिळवलेल्या या गोष्टी काय, शेवटी या सर्व चिंध्याच! पण माणसाला चिंध्या चिवडत शेवटी हातात गाळ घेऊन मरण्यातच जर आनंद वाटत असेल तर त्याला तो महान निसर्ग तरी काय करणार!


बुधवार, १५ जुलै, २०२०



You cannot mould other things as per your desire and thinking. Let them remain as they are because they are not you! Each one is unique  in its own way as you are unique in your own way. You may see misery of poor people and luxury of rich people around you. But if you are incapable of removing misery of poor people or incapable of earning luxury of rich people, just accept that fact. This is because as your incapacity has its own story, poor suffering from misery and the rich enjoying from luxury have their own stories. You cannot change their stories with your limited strength. You may at the most improve upon your own story by consistent study and smart work. Your improvement of self will be your own and nobody can claim right over that because your life is your own. Similarly, the others lives are their own and you have no right to intermeddle with theirs unless you hold authority in law for lawful entry into their lives. You must be able to enjoy your own life with whatever it has. Take the example, if you have long chronic habit of remaining awake whole night while world sleeps, do not blame yourself just because you cannot sleep during night as world sleeps. Just accept the fact that your habit is nothing but your night shift working because you can think and write well in peace when world sleeps. You have seen Mumbai's textile mill workers 24 hours three shift working day and night. Just think that you have been given night shift by textile mill because of your peculiar habit. The misconception about the term success must be left. If you think that world has not given higher value or worth to your hard earned knowledge and talent, you must also see to people who are more learned and more talented than you but serving lower category jobs. Such eye opening comparison is helpful. You cannot see your own success because you are wrongly comparing your success with the success of others. Just look at the movement of celebrities as your entertainment without trying to step into their shoes because your life is your own! Please do not spoil it by its comparison with others!




Lockdown or unlock makes no difference to me as I know even after unlock and Mumbai's local trains restart running what I am going to do is using of just one to two percent of my knowledge and expertise and earning of meagre income from that small work which I am forced to earn for keeping my small family survived. It is a tragedy that after having top knowledge of world, I am at the bottom line of the world struggling just for survival at the age of 64 years! So no fear for corona death and no enthusiasm for unlock at least for me. If world does not bother about my valuable knowledge, why should I bother about world and start free teaching class for world making my valuable knowledge further cheap? I am getting bored by passing time without worth but I still hope my dream come true!




(1) Once it is known by thought and experience that God can only be in belief and not in matter that can be seen, touched or contacted and all images of God are products of just human imagination, then even if you continue with your logical belief  in existence of God within Nature it becomes very much necessary for you to follow discipline in praying or meditating with God lying within your belief. The discipline with God is discipline of mind and it should be implemented in the same way as body discipline that is very much  necessary for accomplishment of targeted work.

(2) The military discipline is best to observe and follow. Just watch as to how military personnel finish their tooth brushing, bathing work fast with disciplined body motion after getting up from sleep with self confidence and self determination which comes out of discipline of mind that disciplines stray thoughts that go on moving within mind.

(3) The stray thoughts are like stray dogs that go on barking. The stray thoughts create obstruction in the disciplined motion of body & mind. There are also stray people within society who do not like disciplined way of life. They are the persons who enjoy breaking rules of law that teach discipline. Never try to teach your self discipline to such stray people if you do not have any authority in law to enforce law on such people. In absence of such authority, your teaching of lessons of discipline to them is likely to provoke anger within minds of such people that may even kill you. It is better to keep discipline with your self for self benefit in such case and such selfishness is disciplined way of life. The discipline is the only way of life within disciplined system of Nature!
