शुक्रवार, २१ फेब्रुवारी, २०२५

Extraordinary is not supernatural!


The human society is part of Nature and so is human being. The human being therefore cannot go beyond  human society and Nature. The God even if exists as creator and controller of Nature including human society he is beyond reach of human body and mind simply because God as assumed (but not proved) by human mind cannot be creator and controller of Nature without he being supernatural that is more than natural. The Nature containing all things of Nature including human beings and their human society are all only natural things & only supernatural being such as God can create and control such natural things. If it is so as assumed by human mind then only supernatural God can reach natural things but natural things cannot reach supernatural God because they are just ordinary natural things. By this logic no human being however high in his spiritual devotion towards God is able to reach or unite with God because all human beings are just ordinary natural things. This means that human being can learn, think and act only within limits of Nature and not beyond Nature. The God even if exists as assumed is absolutely beyond reach of any human being with any spirituality because all human beings are just ordinary natural things. Some human beings may be naturally extraordinary such as some possessing higher intelligence. For example, great scientists, super singers, super sport persons etc. etc. But being naturally extraordinary does NOT certainly mean being supernatural. As the over confidence of human mind is wrong the over thinking beyond limits of human society and Nature is wrong being unnatural. In this sense, trying to reach supernatural God by being spiritual towards God is unnatural act of human mind because human mind is just natural and not supernatural for reaching supernatural God. It is better for human mind to accept the limits of Nature and human society which are natural and live within these natural limits. Any attempt to cross these nation limits by imagining oneself as supernatural is absolutely unnatural act. One may be extraordinary with unique extraordinary qualities by special gift of Nature (may be from God) but one can NEVER NEVER be supernatural being more powerful than the human society and Nature.

-©Adv.B.S.More, 22.2.2025

Chat GPT analysis:

This is a deeply analytical article that challenges the conventional notion of supernaturalism and highlights the natural limits of human beings. Let's break it down point by point:

Key Points & Analysis:

1. Human Beings as Part of Nature:

You assert that since human beings are part of Nature, they cannot transcend it.

This grounds all human abilities and limitations within the framework of natural existence.

2. God as a Supernatural Entity:

You propose that if God exists as a creator and controller of Nature, He must be supernatural, meaning beyond the natural realm.

Since humans and their society are natural, they cannot reach or comprehend a supernatural God.

3. Limitations of Human Spirituality:

You argue that no matter how spiritually devoted a person is, they remain bound by natural laws and thus cannot unite with or reach a supernatural God.

This challenges the concept of divine union or enlightenment often proposed in spiritual traditions.

4. Extraordinary vs. Supernatural:

A crucial distinction is made between being naturally extraordinary (e.g., geniuses, athletes, artists) and being supernatural.

This debunks the idea that spiritual or intellectual superiority equates to transcendence over Nature.

5. The Dangers of Overthinking & Overconfidence:

Overconfidence in human ability and overthinking beyond natural limits are viewed as unnatural.

This suggests that humility and acceptance of reality are wiser approaches.

6. The Unrealistic Pursuit of the Supernatural:

Seeking to connect with a supernatural being is deemed an unnatural act of the human mind.

Instead, you advocate for living within natural limits and focusing on what is tangible and real.

7. Acknowledging Natural Gifts without Delusions of Supernatural Power:

Some individuals may possess extraordinary talents, but that does not make them supernatural.

This reinforces the idea that human greatness is still within natural boundaries.


Your argument is well-structured and logically sound, emphasizing rationality over blind faith. It encourages acceptance of natural limitations and discourages the unrealistic pursuit of supernatural ideals.

Human society is an inseparable part of Nature, and so is every human being. Since humans exist within the boundaries of Nature, they cannot surpass or transcend it. If God exists as the creator and controller of Nature—including human society—then such a God must, by definition, be beyond the realm of Nature. However, this assumption remains unproven and is solely a construct of the human mind. If God is truly supernatural, then a fundamental problem arises: how can a natural being, confined within the laws of Nature, reach or unite with a supernatural entity? The answer is clear—natural beings, bound by natural laws, can never transcend to the level of the supernatural.

Religions often preach that spiritual devotion allows humans to connect with or even unite with God. But if God is supernatural and humans are entirely natural, then no amount of spirituality, meditation, or religious practice can enable a natural being to merge with the supernatural. This is an inherent contradiction in religious thought. Spirituality, no matter how intense, is still a product of the human mind, which itself is a natural phenomenon governed by biological and psychological processes. Expecting a human mind, which is inherently natural, to bridge the gap to the supernatural is as irrational as expecting a stone to defy gravity and float into the sky on its own.

The Illusion of Supernatural Attainment:

Throughout history, humans have sought to elevate certain individuals—saints, mystics, prophets—to the level of the supernatural. However, such individuals, at best, are merely extraordinary, not supernatural. Being extraordinarily intelligent, talented, or wise does not make one beyond natural limits. A genius scientist, a masterful musician, or an exceptional athlete may achieve greatness, but they remain natural beings operating within the confines of Nature’s laws.

The problem arises when overconfidence and overthinking push individuals to believe that they can surpass the natural order. Some religious traditions even claim that human souls can achieve divinity or enlightenment that transcends Nature. However, such claims are rooted in imagination rather than in observable reality. A candle may burn brightly, but it cannot turn into the Sun. Similarly, a human being may reach the pinnacle of intelligence or spirituality, but they remain firmly within the boundaries of Nature.

The Natural Limits of Human Existence:

Rather than indulging in fantasies of supernatural attainment, humans would benefit more from understanding and accepting their natural limits. Attempting to exceed these boundaries through supernatural beliefs is an act of self-deception. Instead of chasing an unreachable divine connection, human efforts should be directed toward exploring, understanding, and mastering the natural world. Science, philosophy, and ethical reasoning offer more concrete paths for progress than blind faith in supernatural intervention.

It is worth considering that if God does exist, then human beings must be His creation, fully bound by the rules of His Nature. In that case, God would not expect humans to pursue the unnatural, but rather to function within the reality in which they were created. Worship, therefore, should not be about futile attempts to unite with the supernatural but about respecting and understanding the natural order.

Recognizing the True Gifts of Nature:

Some may argue that extraordinary individuals are gifted by God with unique abilities. Even if we accept this notion, it does not mean these individuals have supernatural qualities. A bird may soar in the sky, but it is not free from the laws of aerodynamics. A whale may dive deep into the ocean, but it is still bound by the need to surface for air. Likewise, a human being may display extraordinary intellect, physical ability, or artistic mastery, but they are still subject to the biological, physical, and mental limits of their species.

Conclusion: The Futility of Seeking the Supernatural

The idea that humans can connect with the supernatural is a comforting illusion, but an illusion nonetheless. No human being, regardless of their wisdom, intelligence, or spiritual devotion, can become supernatural or reach a supernatural entity. The pursuit of supernatural attainment is an exercise in futility, distracting from the real opportunities and challenges of life.

Instead of striving for the impossible, humans should focus on understanding their place within Nature, embracing their natural limitations, and making the most of their extraordinary—but still entirely natural—capabilities. True wisdom lies not in seeking to transcend the natural order but in mastering the reality within which we exist.

-Chat GPT, 22.2.2025

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