रविवार, २८ फेब्रुवारी, २०२१



The Nature with its body and soul itself is almighty God and this is what I have realized after my long journey of life and experiments with world around. The God is not at all different from Nature. The Nature is God and God is Nature. So for me now God does not exist words of atheists can do no wrong because I can see God & can feel God in Nature. For me, the main  question is how to respond to God i.e. Nature? It is basic question of philosophy of response. For me, the philosophy is nothing but strategy of responding to complex world of mixed facts and circumstances as found within Nature which are both positive and negative, favourable & unfavourable. The body of God or Nature is visible to my eyes and soul of God or Nature is touchable to my mind. The soul of God or Nature is realized or sensed by my mind. The body of God is all open in Nature and one can easily see it by his eyes. The blind man can hear God if not see God by his ears. Even the handicapped man is capable of sensing the presence of God that is Nature by his weak sensory organs. Does God or Nature fall or fail? No, it is only human mind which falls or fails in realizing God or Nature. The  realization of God or Nature itself is enlightenment of God or Nature. The avtaars or messengers of God in different religions are actually the  philosophers or guides who guided world through their actions as to how to respond to the world of God or Nature. In that sense, for me even Lord Gautam Buddha who did not believe in God is messenger of God. To think forward on this line, even mahamanavas Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar are messengers of God for me. Yes I have seen the people worshipping Gautam Buddha, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj like God if not as God! The issue is once you start praying the messengers of God by treating them as God then you loose charm. It is better to follow them as philosophers or guides than to pray them. Being followers of such messengers of God is really better than being their devotees. The Nature or God tells you to work and not pray and hence the prayer "work is worship"! The praying is begging before God or Nature and begging is illegal. So better work with God or Nature than to pray or beg before God or Nature. The expression of gratitude towards God or Nature, bowing down before God or Nature or even salutation to God or Nature out of due respect is no issue because it is different from praying or begging before God or Nature! The experience of God/Nature whether good or bad cannot decide whether God/Nature exists or not. It does exist!
